Chapter one, 2016, crescendo, part three

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Yukio stared at the train of club members who followed him out of Shibuya station. Twenty of them, but thank all gods none in their school uniform.

Surrounded by club members the Swedish giant walked in the middle. Beside him but unseen his girlfriend tagged along with a small tail of admirers of her own.

An illusion for sure, and Yukio realised it only looked like a group of twenty to his eyes because he knew their faces. For an unknowing onlooker they were just scattered teenagers among hundreds of others, so Yukio gratefully accepted that it was busy enough for them to go unnoticed. Or at least as unnoticed as was possible with the hulking Swede towering above everyone else.

Yesterday he told them there would be a modelling shoot at the intersection, and all according to plan both foreign guests jumped at the opportunity to watch the spectacle in the very centre of Japanese youth fashion.

He never told them why Kuri was absent though. Urufu said she looked different in battledress, but he was the only one who had seen her like that. Yukio could only guess at the difference, but he suspected Urufu was less than modest in his descriptions. It was after all the same Urufu who said his home town boasted two major stadia within walking distance from the city centre.

Yukio made his way towards the exit and from time to time he called out to club members who risked being separated from the rest of them. Around him conversations between club members grew in excitement, but as usual one voice rose above the others.

"Damn he's tall!" Nori-kun exclaimed for the hundredth time.

Motor mouth. For once you're useful. Keep them focussed on Yakobuson-san.

Just when they were about to exit a crowd started to build up, and they had to negotiate their way out of the station.

Camera teams were already there and the shoot had started. Yukio saw a temporary scene and on it a few exceptionally good looking and tall men took turns posing.

He looked around and glanced at Yakobuson-san. OK tall is a matter of definition I guess. Ulf is a dwarf compared to them, but that monster is a match. Yukio stared at their Swedish guest when he cringed as he walked into the brutal wall of heat just outside the station. On second thought he was probably taller than the models.

Outside saw a hectic chaos made to suit the young. Scouts made passes at people in the crowd, and if what Kuri had told him was true some of them were even legit. But most were there to fleece unsuspecting and over eager teenagers.

"Want to be a model?"

Now that voice came from a shorter distance than he had expected. Of course. It was just a matter of time. Yukio grinned at Yakobuson-san. Oh they are targeting his girlfriend as well. I guess she's cute enough in an exotic way.

It was strangely fun in an insane way. Only half of the show took place on stage, and the more interesting stories played out in the crowd.

"Yakobuson-san, they want to take some pictures," he called out to his guest. "I won't promise it's not a scam, but you won't have to pay for any shots unless you sign something." Kuri should know. She's been here before, in that other world.

Some space opened up around their Swedish guests. They looked exotic and striking enough to warrant the extra attention.

"Cool! We have models of our own."

Dozens of smart phones were aimed at the impromptu shoot around them, and Yukio just shook his head. "Kyoko, over here," he shouted when he finally discovered her guiding the last of their members from the station.

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