Chapter two, 2016, southbound, part three

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Yukio felt like a traitor. He trusted Kyoko, and Kyoko promised that if Kuri said something was good for Urufu then it was really good for Urufu. But he still felt like a traitor. Urufu was his most important friend, the man turned boy who had brought out what Yukio believed was the best parts of himself. Urufu had dared him to become a better Yukio, and Urufu had supported him when he was uncertain of his ability to become one.

A full night's sleep hadn't changed his feelings that he should have protested when the others effectively transferred parts of Urufu's control over his business to the Wakayama parents. The others? You coward! You took part of it yourself when you signed that contract.

With those feelings of conflict he made his way down the stairs to the dining hall where breakfast was served Viking style. As in the sign in the doorway stated that it was served Viking style. The irony wasn't lost on him. Sweden had its own era of fame, but from what Urufu had told him a breakfast buffet probably had very little to do with anything Viking.

Two floors above him Urufu still slept, or did when Yukio left their room. He looked for other familiar faces to share his breakfast with. Between club members grabbing small dishes and walking a few rounds between serving tables and their own seats he saw Ryu and Noriko sitting by a table in a corner. Kyoko headed there with the last of her booty and Yukio quickly got himself some juice and booked a place beside her with his glass.

The adults were seated by the windows at a table pointedly placed a bit apart from the rest. It looked like stratification, but Yukio knew from his conversations with Urufu that it was only a sensible solution to avoid students feeling awkward with a couple of teachers sharing their table. In Urufu's case it had been employees who wanted to avoid being forced into conversation with corporate management.

On his way between getting food and placing it at his place he touched hand and shoulders with Kyoko several times, none of them an accident. Each time he felt his heart jolt and each time he wondered how many of the club members were watching them.

Fewer than I think, but more than what's comfortable, he admitted to himself when both of them headed for their table one last time unable to separate their hands. I love you. I'm happy I confessed that second time. I'm happy you love me back. I'm happy.

He understood he was luckier than he deserved, but he also guessed he deserved the luck he had. There was no contradiction as long as he was honest.

"Guess what I'm thinking," he said to her when they sat down.

"Guess who I love in return," she replied.

She reads my mind. My fantastic Kyoko!

"Where's Kuri?" Yukio asked, and he made an effort to raise his voice just a little bit.

"Should come down from our room soon. She overslept so we had to shake her awake just as we went for breakfast."

Yukio smiled at Kyoko. Good girl. Did I tell you that you're fantastic? No I just thought that. "My fantastic little Kyoko."

She blushed at that but smiled back a him anyway.

Kuri hadn't overslept, unless she went back to sleep after returning to their room. Most of the night she spent cuddled up with Urufu. Ryu and Yukio moved their futons so Kuri and Urufu could have some space for themselves. After that Kuri cradled her boyfriend like a mother hugs her children when they're afraid to go to sleep.

It's strange, Yukio thought, that it only felt natural having Kuri sleeping beside Urufu in our room. Yukio looked around the dining hall. None of the other members would understand if it became known, so this was a secret between the six of them.

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