Chapter three, 2016, field trip revised, part four

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Yukio wondered how Urufu was doing, but he admitted that working with Kyoko was a pleasure.

"Noriko's mom is at the walkway with tea and fruit. Help me?" she asked before she made for the road.

She didn't have to. Yukio grinned at his girlfriend, my girlfriend, I love that expression, and nodded. "Sure. We'll be off to get you a small meal," he shouted to a nearby team and ran after Kyoko. He barely noticed how they waved understanding.

"They're all looking at Kuri-chan," she said when he caught up with her.

"Uhum," he agreed. "A nice view during your next break. So that's what Ryu meant when he gave that promise."

Kyoko laughed and grabbed his hand.

She looked great, filling out her clothes in a way neither Kuri nor Noriko did. Not that he was going to tell. Not yet at least. "You're beautiful," he said instead.

She stopped for a moment and looked at him. "Do you really think so?" There was something vulnerable in her eyes, and he could see her looking down at the beach where Kuri showed off one otherworldly stance of female perfection after another.

Yukio looked at Kyoko, studied her carefully for some time before saying anything. Now was not the time to give a wrong answer.

A gust of wind blew life into Kyoko's hair, and glimmers of sunshine traced paths between strands of hair and caressed her face. They mixed with pearls of sweat and reflected back on eyelashes and cheekbone. How can you possibly doubt your beauty. You shine with life and you allow me to bask in it. "Yes, I really think so. From the moment I saw you walking beside Kuri I had my eyes on you."

He felt Kyoko pull his hand around her and grab his other hand in an embrace. "That early?"

"You should know," he teased. "You tried to make me confess to Kuri you know, that day when I made a fool of myself in your classroom."

"Unfair," she whispered into his chest. "Don't make me remember. I'm still ashamed about that."

It had been the right thing to say. Doubly so, because he felt the truth of his own words echo throughout himself. I love you. You're perfect. "It's still what I feel," he said and buried his nose into her hair.

They stood like that for a long time. Yukio knew they should run to the road and fetch the bags waiting for them there, but right now he didn't want to let go. A moment of perfect happiness, and he was graced with the fortune to share it with the girl he loved. In the end Kyoko showed the responsibility he lacked.

"Yukio, Noriko's mom is over there."

He felt Kyoko's face peeping out under his arm and dared to look around. Noriko's mother did indeed stand beside her car, tapping her fingers on its roof, but she smiled at them. "Mmm, guess you're right."

They let go of their embrace and walked to the car, but Yukio made sure not to let go of the hand he held. Kyoko's fingers hugged his and with every second step she squeezed just a little. You wanted to stay there as well. Thank you!

"Green bottles are tea. The others water. Thermos coffee," Noriko's mother greeted them with a business like voice that belied her huge grin.

I wish my mother was like that. Then he felt ashamed of himself. His parents tried as hard as they could. They just couldn't stand each other, but none of them had ever allowed that antagonism to disrupt his life. Despite their feelings of mutual dislike they always made sure to pretend they were still a team whenever he was involved. And now I'm lying again. Whenever I'm involved they don't just pretend. Give them the respect they deserve!

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