Prologue - i

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June 21st, 1892

The shimmering reflection of the stars danced upon the glossy surface of the Black Lake that surrounded Hogwarts. Beneath this serene sky, the joyous symphony of laughter and unrelenting chatter echoed throughout the balmy June night. A towering bonfire blazed brightly, casting a warm, flickering orange glow that seemed to imbue life into the grinning faces and twinkling eyes of the individuals encircling it. On the eve of their impending graduation from Hogwarts, the atmosphere was brimming with a bittersweet blend of emotions. Though radiant smiles of joy and bliss graced the faces of these departing students, an undercurrent of melancholy ran through them. The realization that this was their final night as Hogwarts students cast a shadow on their hearts, for it marked the end of a shared chapter that had defined their lives for years.

This was their last night together. As students. As friends. As family.

Amidst the dancing flames, a boy swayed unsteadily around the pit of the bonfire, sipping on the last remnants of his firewhiskey. Stumbling across the sandy ground, he began to point to each person sitting before him while muttering incoherent words.

"One...two...three...four...five...?" his brows furrowed in confusion as he absentmindedly fiddled with his red and gold school tie, wrapping it around his forehead. The boy's green eyes widened as realization dawned upon his intoxicated mind.

"We-we're missing someone!" he exclaimed loudly, hastening his steps toward the couple sitting near the bonfire. "I can't remember who we're missing!" falling to his knees, he wrapped his arm around the neck of the girl and buried his nose into her luscious dark curls. She giggled as the redhead inched closer, his lips nearly grazing the right side of her cheek as he softly murmured, "You won't forget me after we leave Hogwarts. Right, Ayla?"

"Never, Garreth," she replied sweetly, tousling his hair.

"You'll have a hard time being remembered if you're dead, Weasley," hissed the dark-haired boy sitting beside her. His brown eyes grew darker as he watched the belligerent Gryffindor become a bit too close to his missus. The tension in the air didn't escape the notice of the other Gryffindor boys situated at the far end of the bonfire. Exchanging glances, the two shared amused smiles as they watched their friend taunt the territorial Slytherin.

"Oh hush Sebastian," Garreth said, slightly leaning back from her face. "You're always so quick to anger for no reason. I have no intention of stealing Ayla from you," he stated confidently, his lips slowly curling into a mischievous smile. "Well, not unless she wants me to."

Sebastian swiftly pulled out his wand before standing up and pressing it against Garreth's neck.

"I swear I'm going to–"


A voice shouted from the distant end of the shore, drawing the group's attention. Their gazes followed the source and caught sight of a faint red light growing brighter with each passing second. Immediately, a pair of blondes came into view, making their way toward the bonfire. Their pale skin glistened underneath the moonlight as they walked across the sand in unison.

"Don't kill him before we get there! I want to see the show," remarked the girl with a cheeky grin spread across her face.

"You have no idea how much I wish I could see Sebastian commit a public execution the night before graduation," the boy joked, still holding his glowing wand in his hand.

"VALERIA! OMINIS!" Garreth shouted as he dashed towards the pair, enfolding them both in a forced hug, nearly toppling Ominis over. "MY COLD-HEARTED, ALOOF SLYTHERIN FRIENDS. EVERYONE ELSE MIGHT'VE FORGOTTEN ABOUT YOU, BUT I SWEAR I NEVER DID!"

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