Prologue - iii

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TW: Depression, Character Death

Peering through the window, Garreth observed the bustling streets of Hogsmeade gradually empty as first-year students began to scurry back to the castle before nightfall. Back to Hogwarts Day always stirred a mix of emotions for him throughout the years, but it never really became easier for him. Despite the bittersweet feelings, the sight of smiling and elated faces among the students never failed to uplift his spirits. He'd eagerly offered potion samples, discounts, and free mallowseet to any students who visited his shop, aiming to contribute to what was supposed to be the most joyous day of the year. Yet, hidden beneath this facade, lay a cloud of heavy memories that plagued him still.

Tears welled in his eyes as he stared at the painting mounted above his potion station. His heart swelled as he watched the young wizards and witches bustling about, eagerly vying for the perfect position in front of the enchanted canvas. Ayla inadvertently collided with him while attempting to secure a spot near Sebastian. This launched the quick-tempered Slytherin into a tirade of yelling, his cheeks flushing a crimson red as his anger intensified. Ominis then hurried to join Valeria, but stumbled over a stray robe; Mason burst into laughter while Zubayr let out a frustrated sigh. After what seemed like an eternity of jostling and re-adjusting, the seven friends finally settled into place. As they stood arm in arm, their smiles radiated brighter than the shining stars in the night. He remembered all of the feelings of anticipation and excitement for the future that this painting held. Now it is only a beloved memory of his dear friends, who were forever frozen in time.

He swiftly collected himself before making his way to the door. Just as he flipped the sign to 'Closed', a frantic voice called out from a distance.

"Please! Don't close, not yet!" A young boy in a green uniform came running towards the shop, his chest heaving with each breath. Garreth quickly positioned himself in front of the door, forcing the boy to an abrupt stop. The boy's cheeks flushed as he gazed up at him.

"I just need one potion for my class tomorrow!"

Garreth stole a glance toward the clock. It was fifteen minutes past closing time. Typically, he would have been unwinding at the Three Broomsticks with a quick drink before heading home. But, what harm could accommodating one more customer cause? His gaze returned to the boy, who anxiously brushed his tousled brown hair aside while eagerly awaiting his answer.

"You have five minutes, mate," Garreth said in a playful tone, gesturing for the boy to enter before following him inside. "What ya' looking for?"

He watched as the boy's brown eyes gleefully shifted to each vial in awe. It was unusual to see a student this young have such enthusiasm for potions. Especially since most had considered the subject to be rather mundane. His nose dug into recipes as he continued to walk through the shop. Garreth noticed a familiarity in the boy, but he couldn't quite place his finger on it. After a few moments of silent wandering, he finally turned to answer him.

"Do you have polyjuice potion?"

Bursting into laughter, he crossed his arms while noticing the look of confusion on the boy's face. "Why on earth would a first-year need a polyjuice potion?"

"I want to impress my potion's professor," he replied confidently. "As a Slytherin, it's my job to be ambitious and resourceful to ensure we get points to win the house cup. And I would do anything to get the house cup."

Then it hit him.

"You remind me of a Slytherin I know," Garreth remarked as he started rummaging behind his desk for the potion's recipe. "Always so determined, and persistent. Once he set his sights on a goal, he pursued it relentlessly. No matter the cost."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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