Prologue - ii

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Song Suggestion (listen after this symbol ꧁𓇚꧂)

As the sun's rays filtered through the Great Hall's stained glass windows, a kaleidoscope of colors danced across the room, painting each student's face with a gorgeous hue. The house tables were adorned with a feast fit for kings and queens - succulent lamb chops, sparkling fizzing whizzbees, tender slices of roast beef, hearty shepherd's pie, and decadent cauldron cakes filled to the brim with creamy chocolate ganache.

At the head of the room, Professor Weasley stood proudly, her eyes glistening with unshed tears as she faced the podium. "To my beloved students..." She gazed around at the familiar faces before continuing, "As you embark on your journeys, remember that life is a beautiful tapestry woven with threads of joy and sorrow. Embrace both with equal courage, for they are the threads that shape our souls. Cherish the friendships you've made here, for they are the magic that transcends time and distance-"

Garreth blew his nose loudly, seizing everyone's attention. Amidst the student's snickers, Zubayr promptly handed him more tissues.

"If you get snot in my food, you're as good as dead," Mason joked. The blonde then turned to Valeria; both of them sharing a laugh.

With a kind smile, Professor Weasley concluded, "As we bid farewell, know that Hogwarts will always be here to welcome you home. Let your wands be guided by a noble heart, and may your journeys be as enchanting as the moments we've shared within these hallowed walls." She extended her arms and exclaimed, "Now, let's enjoy the feast!"

The room erupted in boisterous cheers as the students eagerly dug into their plates, their smiling faces smeared with sauce and crumbs. Valeria watched as their delight mirrored her own until she noticed Ominis sitting beside her. His leg was trembling uncontrollably, his shoulders hunched and tense.

"What's wrong?" she asked, reaching out to still his shaking leg.

"They're not here, are they?"

She looked all around but couldn't spot Sebastian at their table or Ayla on the Hufflepuff side.

"No," she replied, "but I'm sure they'll turn up soon."

Ominis sighed and shook his head. "Did you notice anything strange about him this morning?"

"Not really. Why do you ask?" Her brow furrowed in confusion.

He shrugged, "Something felt off. The way he spoke to me while we were getting was as if he was trying to hide something from me."

"Do you think something happened?"

"I'm not sure, but we should go look for him. He could still be in our common room or maybe he went to check on Ayla."

Valeria nodded in agreement and both excused themselves from the table. Her emerald robes trailed behind her as she motioned for the Gryffindor boys to follow. The golden trio scrambled out of their seats and caught up to them as they walked briskly towards a secluded corner.

Grease stained Garreth's fingertips as he licked them clean. "There had better be a damn good reason for us leaving the feast of a lifetime," he groaned.

Valeria rolled her eyes. "Can you not think about food right now? Our friends are missing!"

"Oh, please!" he dismissed with a wave. "They're just enjoying their private time together."

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