Thalia's Tree

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"Clash"Annabeth pushes her dagger against my sword creating sparks.Sweat is beading down my forhead."Getting tired seaweed brain?"asks Annabeth smiling at me, pushing me back with her dagger."No I!!"I say pushing her off me.She stumbles back but regains her balance.She smiles,distracting me.She swipes kicks me and I fall on my back with Annabeth's dagger at my neck."How do you always beat me wise girl?"I ask putting my hand out.She pulls me up then pushes me,"Because you are a seaweed brain."Annabeth laughs.She is beautiful when she laughs."Come let's get some lunch."she says running ahead.My stomach rumbles and I run after her.

I sit down at the table eating a sandwich and drinking some juice."Hey bro!"yells Jason running past.I nod acknowledgement with sandwich in my mouth."Minotaur! Furies! Cyclops! At the barrier and someones at the tree.She needs help.Someone call Chiron now!"says a girl running from the direction of Thalia's tree.I swallow the last bit of sandwich, it's Amber daughter of Ares and two years younger than me.She is red and sweaty from running."There's a girl at the tree!"she says out of breath. "What's wrong Amber?"a few of us ask . Someone runs to tell Chiron. "Hurry! there's a girl there fighting the monsters alone.Come on!"she says running back to the tree. Annabeth and I run after her. We see the tree in the distance with rumbles of heavy feet and a giant body swinging a club.We move in closer hearing screeching and flapping sounds. Then over the hill we see a girl on a Fury stabbing and cutting it's back . It's Amber and she seems to be doing fine . I run to find the cyclops following the rumbling and smashing sounds.

Then I hear yelling from a girl,I run faster.Then the thundering stops and I stop and listen,"Ahhhhhh!"I hear someone give a battle cry.Then booming laughter and screaming. I start running again and reach a clearing where the cyclops is holding the girl in his hand."FACE ME YOU BIG UGLY BRUT!  "the girl yells.I quickly run into position to get a perfect strike.The cyclops moves his hand with the the girl to his eye."WHAT DO YOU WANT PUNY GIRL"the monster booms and the girl takes out her arm from his hold and stabs him in the eye and then in the hand, he drops her to the ground. The cyclops yells in pain and cluches his eye the bursts into ash.The girl hits the ground hard and lies still. I quickly run to her.A few other people were watching as well and came forward.

I come closer for a look at the girl, she has jet black hair and a big bleeding cut on her cheek.She looks familiar and about my age. The girl is wearing a white dress that was torn and splattered with blood from her multiple cuts,scratches and bruises on her body.The girl's feet are dirty and red with sores and she doesn't look like she hasn't any sleep in three days.The girls skin was pale but tanned and there is a silver shell locket around her neck.Chiron moves her head to the side slowly.She stirs and opens her eyes.They were bright green... exactly like Dads and mine.It is wierd how much she looks like Dad and me.

"Where am I!"she yells sitting up suddenly, looking around wildly for danger and grabbing her dagger.Everyone jumps and grabs thier weapons."It's alright you are safe now."says Chiron.Everyone relaxes, as Chiron helps her up.She's taller than me by like one centimetre and pretty even covered in blood,Frank and Jason elbow each other.I roll my eyes.

"What is your name?"asks Annabeth comming out of the crowd walking up to her.Annabeth glances in my direction as if to say"You do notice she is exactly like you.Right?."I nod at her."My name is Ariel Pearlescent"she quietly says fiddling with something around her neck."Well Ariel, you are welcome and safe here. Come lets get those wounds banaged up.Everyone can go back to their lunch now and Percy could you please help her to the infirmary and..",
''That is not necessary I will be fine."says Ariel interrupting Chiron.Everyone slowly leaves looking back as they go,except Annebeth."Are you sure?"I ask looking at her cheek that is now dripping a lot."Yes I will be fine.."Ariel replies but stops when her eyes meet mine.

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