The Prophecy

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All I could do was stare.I had no clue what she went through to get here."Look Ariel I am sorry ok,I had no idea."I say swallowing my pride."It's alright I do have a bit of a big head sometimes."says Ariel giving me a hug. "I am glad you two made up but we really need to get back to why we are here."says Chiron disturbing the silence."Yes Rachel is here to give the prophecy with the seven..Where is the rest of the seven?"asks Dad.Then I heard running and the door bashes open.The rest of the seven bursts into the room, tumbling over each other."Great Poseidon we welcome you." says Grover getting to his feet.The seven straighten themselves and looks at me then Ariel and then dad. Then they burst out laughing.Ariel, Dad and I look at each other with a look on our faces that says something along lines of "What in Hades is this about?".It just made them laugh harder, this time Rachel,Grover and Annebeth joined in.Jason gasps with laughter and says "You guys are all so similar that you all have the same expression on your faces at the same time it is so funny it's like there is three Poseidons or Percys.""That is enough.I have done what I need to I will be leaving goodluck on your quest."Dad says leaving.He stops at Ariel and says "You must tell him or it will mean the end."then we all watch him leave quietly.I look at her questioningly but she just shakes her head."So you must be Ariel you are very beautiful might I add."says Piper shaking Ariel's hand."So you are a tough girl aren't you,yeah heared what you did to Will and Jake."says Leo eyeing her."What did she do?"asks Jason."She threatened Will with her dagger and out shot Jake at the archery field."says Hazel."But I thought Poseidon kids were terrible at archery. "says Grover nudging Percy."You don't have to be born talented to be good at something.I have been practising archery since I was six and developed the skill, that's all . Now, can we hear that prophecy. "Ariel asks."Rachel clears her throat and everyone is quiet. Rachel quivers and let's out a gasp."The Lost sister shall rise and with seven she shall find the enemy which will mean the end as we know.Three of seven suns to end it's terror, the blood of Poseidon to find within the temple of sun to bear it in hand to be one together. Slay yourself to open the way for the quest will end on the 21st day."Rachel faints and falls back into the couch.

"Well that's comforting!"says Jason flopping into the chair. "Slay yourself?"I say quietly."It means we are our own enemy and we only have like 21 days until1 it is too late."says Annebeth coming closer."Well we know who the lost sister is but the temple of the sun?"says Rachel scratching her head."Apollo Duh!!!!"says Frank very loudly.My heart is in my throat, blood of Poseidon? Ariel looking at me worried and scared."Ariel? Are you okay?" Piper asks her . Everyone stares at her now silent. "I can't do this."she says backing out of the room."I am sorry..."she says as she runs out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2015 ⏰

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