Chapter 3: years later

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Slowly, as days go by, the monsters build up.

The now Queen and King of the Underground are expecting their first prince to seal the hope and kindness of a new generation.

The young flame boy... who, for some reason, lives in snowdin gets his bar welcoming the dogs' poker nights and loving his skeleton pals jokes.

The young skeleton lives his life with everyone loving him from his puns and chill attitude, protecting his smiling determind brother from the world and keeping him happy and cheerful no matter the sacrifice.

The young dogs now work in the Royal Guard, being a whole unit found in snowdin.

The young fish who watched them jealously, she now run the guard helping the young skeletons brother train but never letting him in. Because he is too sweet and kind.

The young skeletons brother is training to be in the Royal guard for his dream job, and he cooks spaghetti in his free time, keeping a smile on his face, loving everyone.

The young girl who sat in the dark watching anime ended up making a robot body for a ghost and giving it fame. She became a royal scientist and still watches anime in the dark, dreaming about a fish she loves so much.

The young ghosts dream of fame. One left the other in the dust, jumping at the chance of a new body and fame, leaving their sibling to remix his tapes and lay on the floor sighing and sad. Abandoned.

The young spider eventually became the biggest spider Baker ever cooking and earning money to save the spiders trapped in the ruins. She works hard for her life, but she could wish for nothing better, very happy to be herself.

The young artist became the very best making paintings for the houses, and even if you weren't impressed, you would always pay him lots because he always tried his best, with a smile on his face.

And cross town at the front of snowdin two siblings own a house that they split into two. Making a business, each raising money for a life. One was a shopkeep who knew all of the tea and another was an innkeeper who had a child here to stay and even if it wasn't easy they were always gonna stay, with eachother.

They might not have money and riches galore, but all the monsters have hope and life to stay so. That's the story of monsters versus humans. we all know the rest, so I hope that was enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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