Present-ed (Caspian x Jiro)

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[Late] Holiday prompt.

My friend from discord[Dishwasher Kool Aid] may or may not have held me at gunpoint for this one. I am late as fuck for the holidays, I apologize my guy. Hope you like it.


"So... you just want to play hide and seek with me, the prize being Caspian's present, huh?"

"Not really that I want to play hide and seek, more like... Caspian. He wants you to find him, and he'll give you his present as a prize! Just some holiday fun, you know?"


The shogun sighed tiredly. It was too early today to deal with Caspian's silly shenanigans, but the teen next to him smiled as support.

"He spent a lot of time on it, you know. The least you can do is be supportive of it!"


"Wait no- enjoy it, yeah, that! Sorry-" The natural stumbled on her words, but Jiro just waved his hands with a smile.

"Don't worry about it. It's way too early to be this excited."

"But it's holiday time! How can you not?"


Jiro started rambling as the pair continued walking, before reaching a large room. It was their little hangout room, filled to the brim with decor. In the middle of it all was a giant gift box that took all three of them to haul in there a few days prior. The room was stuffier than usual, and Jiro knew damn well the amount of items the three took in just for the holidays.

"What the- I'm supposed to find him in this? But we- I- what?" Jiro looked, mouth open as Kaya giggled.

"Not ready?"

"...What do you think?"

"Ah- right- sorry! He'll like your gift though, I can say that!" The natural pointed to the small gift in his hands. Jiro looked down in embarrassment. 

"It's... so simple compared to all of this. I don't even know what his present is, but I'm a little worried."

"Most of these are decorations! Don't worry." 

Kaya waved her hands, unphased, and took the present out of the shogun's hands and skipped away, placing it on what seemed to be a counter(last time he checked). The girl then twirled around and clapped her hands, flashing a toothy smile.

"Sooooo... look away!"

Reviewing the scene, Jiro then realized how easy this could be. "Oh actually, now that I think about it, this isn't-"

"Without your shadows." The natural smiled smugly.


"What's the fun if you use your shadows then?"

"That's the fun."

"Not to us it is." Kaya pouted, and Jiro ruffled her hair, laughing.

"Fine, I'll go and find him then."

"Finally!" The teen playfully rolled her eyes.

"Yeah yeah."

The shogun looked around the room for a lead. Their little 'hideout' had lots of lights and decor now, courtesy of well... the three of them. At least he would slightly know if anything would be misplaced, but that didn't seem to be the case.

Jiro squinted, searching the room, trying to remember anything significant, before looking at the giant gift. Then, it hit him.

"Hey... didn't Caspian specifically want that giant thing in the room?" He pointed at the large gift box. Kaya looked at him, as if catching on. She shrugged playfully.


"Fine then, I'll take a closer look."

Walking over to the present, he opened the lid, victory in his grasp, and-



A certain thief burst out, causing the shogun to stumble backwards. With outstretched arms, Caspian grabbed Jiro's arms and steadied him back into place before hugging him.

The shogun made a double-take before facing a smug Kaya. She knew that he knew that Caspian was in there, but it was hilarious to her that Jiro still got surprised. When let go, the shogun dryly(trying his best not to look startled) asked her a question.

"May I have the receipt?"

Kaya stared at him before doubling over, laughing. The thief behind him gasped in disbelief– a little dramatically, if Caspian did say so himself.

"How could you!? I spent all of my planning on this!"

"I knew you were there, I just didn't expect you to literally explode out of the thing." Jiro pouted "Plus, I know you have more tricks up your sleeve. Don't act like you're so sly with all of this."

"Hmmmm? With all of what?" The whinny thief wiggled his eyebrows, and Jiro rolled his eyes.

"How about you look up, dumbass?"

The shogun pointed up, and above the two was a flimsy piece of mistletoe dangling above them. Caspian's eyes widened. So maybe he wasn't as sneaky as he thought. Just his luck.

"Don't act like I don't try to search the scene. Care to explain?"

"Well... you see-"

"Well what? Explain right-"

Jiro couldn't even finish his sentence when Caspian just grabbed his scarf and pulled him to a quick little kiss.

"I had to make it traditional and romantic somehow!"

The shogun didn't respond, he was still processing what had just happened. Standing still and red, Jiro tried to form words as Caspian slowly stepped out of the box, looked at the dumbfounded shogun, and tried not to burst out in giggles. Kaya, nervously eyeing Jiro, walked over and tapped him a few times on the shoulder.

"...Jiro? Hello?"

The prince fanned his arm. "He's fine, just surprised." 

Jiro coughed(a failed attempt at spitting out a remark), red in embarrassment. Caspian just smiled at Kaya.

"Let's just fix this guy first."

"Oh shut up will you?" The shogun grumbled under his breath, finally forming words, though he was slightly annoyed. Caspian just chuckled, kissing him on the cheek.

"Merry Christmas to you too then."

"Hey! You..."

Kaya just watched the two continue their little banter and sighed. Christmas was going to be interesting this year.


If anyone reading knows that they have a request, it's going to take some time. I'm still spending the holidays with some friends and family, so I hope you guys are patient! Sorry if the request takes a while, but I hope you guys had a good one. Happy [very late] holidays!

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