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o + b residence - 7am

could it get any colder? like seriously. it's cold as shit but i haven't turned on the heat because onika gets hot. which is very confusing because she's literally always cold... i don't know. i be fucking freezing though.

we slept in our own rooms last night, something we haven't done in so long. im about to go in her room because i woke up out my sleep too much. that's a sign.

i grabbed my heated blanket and some socks before going to her room. she was sprawled out across the bed like she'd never slept before. need to get up. it's christmas eve. forgot about that, not gonna lie.

"baby." i pulled her cover back while rubbing my eye. she was knocked out so i just plugged in my blanket and put my socks on before laying down. oh my goodness she shouldn't even be tired because she went to sleep early.

i didn't bother her, only got on my phone staying warm. i'll give her a little more time.

"yoncé wake her uppp." mya whined over the phone. i chuckled because she's wanting to come over here today. we can't do that because we have gifts here for christmas. they aren't wrapped.

yea we keep forgetting christmas is literally here but we have been buying things. mainly ordering.

"she's tired babe, she went to sleep really late last night."

"but she texted me goodnight at 7." her face dropped. i couldn't hold in my laugh at that one. she's hilarious.

"that was for you to go bed babe."

"it was not."

"ok, how about this? i'll give her another hour and then i'll wake her up. promise."

seriously. because she did go to sleep early, so i don't know why she's so sleep right now. we didn't go to a christmas party last night, the reason being that she went to sleep early. so... yea. plus we need to start with these gift wrapping.

"uggghhh, ok. you're not being fair yoncé."

"i am mya. i just don't wanna wake her up, she's tired."

"but just because she's sleep doesn't mean i can't commmee. bye yoncé." she hung up and my heart broke. aw, she's making me feel bad. like so bad. she's probably thinking i don't want her to come over but i really do. i actually miss her so much.

i poked my lip out turning in the bed to onika. she was curled in a ball now, still asleep. ok she's about to get up.

"baby." i touched her face and she was cold. "girl get your ass up." my heart dropped and i literally started to shake her. she jumped hard pushing my hands off before huffing. oh well, over here looking dead.

"what?" she inhaled starting to stretch.

"you been sleep forever."

"what time is it?"

"it's 10 now."

"really? you're kidding."

"deadass." i showed her my phone and she jumped out the bed so quick. my face scrunched as she rushed, mumbling to herself. "what's wrong?"

"i was supposed to pick up summer from the airport an hour ago."

"onikkaaa." i helped her rush. she started to brush her teeth and i got her some clothes out. should've woke her up when i got up. gotta start listening to my gut.

"has my phone rung?"

"yea like twice but then mya called me so i thought it was her."

she got dressed grabbing her keys and phone before running. she'll be back, she doesn't have any shoes on. onika is always doing that. it's crazy.

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