A beautiful prince

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Harry was looking at the young boy but the boy asked again "Hey are you okay?" Harry would answer the boy this time round "I honestly don't know anymore..." Harry was looking at the boy he had ice grey and green eyes along with royal clothes that were in black, gold, and dark green with black boots that was when Harry realized and he spoke "You're the prince!" The boy giggled a bit then spoke "Yep I am the prince I had an interesting time at the ship dealing with someone named James Po-." Harry cut him off and spoke, "Yeah my dad is something he was the pirate captain before I was born but eh it's fine my godfather is also something." The boy would speak "Ah right but anyway my name is Draco you must be Harry." Harry looked at Draco then looked away while sighing "Yep let me guess someone there told you I was meant to be there but decided not to today hasn't been a good day either way..." Draco would speak again "Understandable I didn't want to be there as well but being in this part of town is way better than the other side it isn't the same as my parents told me about because of the last king...." Harry would shrug he didn't know what it was like to be in the other part of town he never was allowed.

Draco would then look out at sea and sighed before he spoke again "Some things never change I have always liked looking out to the sea wanting to get on a ship and leave this town and explore what else is out there." That was when the two sat in silence for a bit before Harry spoke: "There was a time I did want to see what else was out there...but these days not that much I don't want to be the next pirate captain..." Draco then looked at Harry then spoke "I don't want to be the next king but I don't have a choice..." That was when the two locked eyes but it was only for some seconds they both looked away but then they both said the same thing at the same time "I just wish I didn't have all of this pressure on me from my family..."

That was when the two looked back at each other having a sudden realization came to them they had the same pressures due to their families and wanted to have freedom and their own lives but the two would smile and talk also laugh for hours on end at some point they would get up and walk around the town Harry was telling about Draco his many drawings and writings he even showed Draco some of them while Draco told Harry about some of the things he has been doing at one point they two would stop walking around the town and would sit on a wall that was near the ocean and the two would talk some more then decide to throw some rocks into the ocean they were laughing and smiling they couldn't help it but they didn't realized it was night time now but neither them didn't care one bit but they once they had stopped throwing rocks on the sea they would look at each other and smile that was when they would talk, laugh and all of that for the rest of the night.

The next morning came and the two had fallen asleep in a garden but either way, Draco would wake up and realized it was the next day so he woke Harry up he did wake up and realized whose garden they were in so the two would quickly get out of the garden they were once they did Draco would look at Harry then speaking to him "I need to get going before my parents noticed I am not back at the castle when they wake up I will write to you and come to see to you when I can. Alright?" Harry smiled a lot then spoke back at him "Alright! Have a safe trip Draco!" Draco looked at Harry and waved at him and Harry waved back at Draco they were both smiling ear to ear while walking off.

Harry was going to try and sneak into Sirius and Remus' house since it was the closet to where he was and Harry didn't want to get a rant from his parents but sneaking into his godfather's house failed as soon it could begin since Sirius and Remus were in the kitchen talking but Sirius noticed Harry right away so smirked a bit and spoke: "So how was your sleepless night of meeting the prince?" Harry jumped and shouted, "OH MY GOD SIRIUS!" Remus laughed a bit Sirius gave Remus the crutches to use to get over to Harry but Sirius just stayed sitting where he was and was still waiting for Harry to reply Harry did "It was amazing honestly..." he smiled softly a bit Remus was now over to the couch Harry noticed that Sirius braided Remus' hair and found it adorable but Remus would speak "It almost looked like a bit of deja vu almost like how I and your god father met but just at sea." Harry nodded his head to Remus he had heard the two met so much it didn't mean a lot to him anymore.

Sirius looked at the two and spoke "Harry doesn't need to hear that again Remus love but our love was forbidden since he was a mermaid I said screw it and did what I did but made a load of chaos in the process." Harry sighed but also laughed a bit not surprised but he wanted to ask Sirius who this RAB person was but decided not to Remus would speak "You should probably get some sleep and you don't want to get chewed out by James like Sirius did when he got back to the ship later in the night." That was when Remus got up from the couch and Sirius laughed a bit annoyed "Yeah yeah anyway we leave you to it Harry with sleeping of course." Harry would roll his eyes and then laugh a bit so he would nod his head to them then he would lay on the couch and fall asleep but no matter what he was thinking about Draco the young prince of the town but couldn't help thinking time to time about this RAB person.

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