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SLUT dripped off your tongue,
colouring your lips in vibrant red.

SLUT danced around the hem of your cocktail dress,
tracing the lace embellishments.

SLUT echoed like a scream
from the skyscrapers of your stilettos.

SLUT wrapped around your neck
like a beautiful diamond necklace
and suffocated you until you could not breathe
- until tears started rolling down your cheeks,
lips quivering, and throat dry and hoarse.
Mascara, now smudged around your eyes,
looking like a battlefield.

You didn't want to give that word so much power
but you couldn't not give in
to the numerous times you've been called slut -
the memories making their way into your head,
recalling the individual incidents
(like the flickering reels of an old time's movie).

Is it so wrong for a young girl to want to dress pretty?

GIRLS // Poetry --reupload (2016)Where stories live. Discover now