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When I stepped my foot onto this land
no one placed a key to a house, in the palm of my hand.

When I stepped my foot onto this road
nobody gifted me a pot of gold.

When I arrived at the airport
there was no promise of comfort,
with a free bed to sleep on
or a platter of food to feast on –
There was no free beds to spare
and all that travel aftercare.

When I came
I didn't get showered with popularity and fame.
I didn't earn a special status or got any hand outs,
let alone a stack of cash.

When I entered the country
there was no job awaiting me.
I had to start from square one;
Everything I've got & earned is from my own efforts.

Yes, the people welcomed me,
but no one was handing out anything for free.


He, who doesn't see
can bypass reality.
He, who doesn't know
can ask without guilt stirring his soul.
He, who isn't aware
can turn a blind eye to other's despair.

It's easy to ask
when all you see is the green grass
through your rose-coloured lenses
– for we must all
be living in nice houses
with picket fences.

GIRLS // Poetry --reupload (2016)Where stories live. Discover now