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minho sighed as he limped into the rented dance studio, clutching the key tightly in his hand. every step sent a jolt of pain surging through his injured knee, a constant reminder of his limitations. he had been advised not to dance until his knee fully healed, but the burning desire within him couldn't be suppressed.

the dance floor was his sanctuary, his escape from the mundanity of everyday life, and he couldn't bear to stay away any longer. he switched on the studio's flickering fluorescent lights, filling the room with an ethereal glow.

the mirrors reflected his reflection as he gingerly stepped onto the marley floor, each movement laced with caution. though his knee throbbed insistently, he couldn't help but yield to the music whispering in his ears.

unbeknownst to minho, his best friend chan stood outside the studio door, concern etched on his face. hearing about minho's rebellious act, he couldn't shake the worry that plagued his thoughts.

he had seen minho at his lowest when the injury first occurred, and the sight of his friend battling against his own body was haunting. he couldn't bear the thought of minho causing more damage to himself.

with a conflicted expression, chan took a deep breath and pushed open the door. his eyes widened in shock as he watched minho's body move with fluidity, disregarding the pain he surely must have been feeling.

chan's heart squeezed with a mixture of awe and fear. fear that his best friend was pushing himself too far, and awe at the strength and determination that he still possessed.

"minho!" chan's voice reverberated through the room, filled with both frustration and concern. "what are you doing? you know you're not supposed to dance yet!" minho turned abruptly, his eyes blazing with annoyance as he faced chan.

"why are you making such a big deal out of this?" he retorted, his voice laced with irritation. "i know my limits!"

chan's frustration grew, his normally calm demeanor slipping away. "because i care, minho! you have no idea what it was like for me when i saw you lying on that hospital bed, shattered and broken! and now you're risking it all!"

minho's brows furrowed, his annoyance giving way to a deep-rooted anger. "i hate when people pity me," he bit out, his voice laced with bitterness. "i don't need your concern. i know what i'm doing."

chan's heart sank at minho's words, the pain of his friend's rejection evident in his eyes. he knew how fiercely independent minho was, how much he despised any hint of dependency. but chan also knew that sometimes, tough love was necessary, even when it hurt.

"minho!" chan's voice became more forceful, his patience wearing thin. "i'm not trying to pity you. i just don't want to see you hurt yourself even more! you're important to me, and i can't stand by and watch you destroy your dreams because you refused to take care of yourself."

minho's face contorted with anger, his eyes hardening against the words that threatened to break through his defenses. he had always found talking exhausting, struggling to find the right words to express his emotions. why couldn't chan understand that?

silence encompassed the room, heavy with unspoken words and unyielding tension. Minho's breathing grew heavier as he fought the urge to lash out, his pride warring against the genuine concern that emanated from chan's gaze.

eventually, minho's shoulders slumped, and he let out a weary sigh. "i... i just want to dance," he admitted, his voice a mere whisper.

chan's expression softened as he took a step closer, his voice gentle as he spoke. "i know, min. and i understand that dancing is a part of who you are. but pushing yourself like this won't lead to anything good. take the time to heal, properly. your passion for dance isn't going to disappear overnight."

minho's gaze flickered towards the mirror, his reflection fragmented, mirroring the conflict within his heart.

he knew chan was right; he knew he needed to take care of himself. but dance was both his solace and his freedom, and he couldn't comprehend a life without it.

silent tears welled in minho's eyes as he finally nodded. actions spoke louder than words, and the act of hiding his pain behind his silence was more exhausting than he cared to admit.

chan stepped forward, enveloping minho in a tight embrace. "you're not alone in this," he murmured, his voice filled with unwavering support. "we'll get through this together."

minho nodded, his heart heavy but accepting the truth in chan's words. though the silence persisted, a newfound understanding blossomed in their unspoken bond, reminding them that sometimes, it was the absence of words that spoke the loudest.

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