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chan glanced at minho, concern etching lines on his forehead as he watched his best friend taking hesitant steps towards the exit of the university. the weight of minho's injured knee was evident in each wince and slight favoring of one leg over the other.

"you really should let me help you, minho," chan urged, his voice laced with worry.minho shook his head, a stubborn set to his jaw. "chan, i appreciate your concern, but honestly, i'm fine."

chan's brows furrowed, frustration mingling with his concern. he understood minho's aversion to appearing weak or bothersome, but he couldn't stand by and let his friend suffer. taking a step closer, chan gently rested a hand on minho's arm.

"min, just hear me out," chan's voice softened, his gaze searching minho's eyes for a glimmer of understanding. "i know you're strong, but there's a difference between pushing through the pain and risking further injury. let me help you get home safely."

minho's gaze wavered for a split second, but he quickly composed himself. "i said i'm fine, chan. i don't need your help or anyone else's. i can handle this on my own."

chan's heart ached at minho's words, his best friend's stubbornness clashing with the genuine concern he held for him. but before chan could find the right words to convince minho otherwise, a sharp gasp cut through the air.

minho's knee buckled beneath him, and he crumpled to the floor, an agonized expression crossing his face. the pain radiated through his body, overwhelming any trace of defiance that had colored his earlier statement.

without hesitation, chan dropped to his knees beside minho, his hands reaching out to support him. "minho, let me help you," chan's voice was urgent but tinged with empathy. 

minho's breath came in shallow gasps as he gritted his teeth, attempting to speak through the pain. "i told you i don't need help," he managed to choke out, his voice strained.

chan's eyes softened, understanding the vulnerability beneath minho's steely facade. "i know you don't like asking for help, min. but it's okay to lean on someone else. let me be here for you."

reluctantly, minho nodded, his pride momentarily set aside as chan helped him to his feet. it was a silent agreement between the two friends, an unspoken promise that they would support each other through thick and thin. with a steadying arm around minho's waist, chan began to guide him towards the exit, their steps slow and measured.

as they made their way to minho's dorm, chan's support offered not only physical stability but emotional reassurance.


minho winced as he settled onto his bed, with chan by his side. gently, chan lifted minho's injured leg and carefully positioned it atop a plush pillow, attempting to alleviate some of the pain.

minho's knee throbbed, protesting every movement, but he knew icing it would help the healing process. taking a deep breath, he braced himself as chan placed the cold compress on his knee, eliciting a sharp intake of breath.

"sorry," chan muttered, concern etched on his face. "i know it's uncomfortable, but it'll help reduce the swelling." minho nodded, gritting his teeth to endure the discomfort.

just as he closed his eyes to wait for the pain to subside, the sound of the front door opening startled him. minho's heart sank as he realized his brother, felix, had returned from class.

sharing a dorm meant that felix would undoubtedly find out about his injury sooner or later. felix peeked into minho's room, worry flickering across his features. "minho, what happened? why didn't you tell me?"

minho's brows furrowed, irritation blending with pain. "i didn't want to worry you, felix. it's not a big deal." felix's gaze hardened, his voice tinged with reproach. "dancing when you're not supposed to be, causing yourself more harm—it's reckless, minho. you need to take care of yourself."

before minho could respond, felix continued, "by the way, jisung is here. my best friend. he's in the living room." minho's eyes widened. though he had heard felix mention jisung before, he had never met him in person.

the thought of interacting with someone new filled him with apprehension. minho was naturally shy and struggled with opening up to strangers.

"i don't know, lix. i'm not really in the mood to meet someone new right now," minho hesitated, his voice filled with uncertainty. felix crossed his arms, a determined glint in his eyes.

"i want you to meet jisung, min. he's a great guy, and i think you two would get along. it's time for you to step out of your comfort zone a little. now, i'll be waiting in the living room. make an effort."

hours passed, and minho felt a renewed sense of restlessness. despite chan's protests, he slowly pushed himself up, using the nearby wall for support.

he made his way carefully towards the kitchen to grab a water bottle. lost in his thoughts, he accidentally collided with someone in the narrow hallway.

"ah, sorry," minho mumbled, flustered at the unexpected encounter. the stranger, jisung, flashed a disarming smile. "no worries, it was my fault too. i'm jisung, by the way." minho's heart skipped a beat at the sight of jisung's warm smile, but he quickly composed himself. "i'm minho. nice to meet you."

as minho reached for the water bottle, his knee twisted the wrong way, causing him to stumble. instinctively, jisung grabbed onto minho's waist to steady him. at that moment, felix appeared, curiosity etched on his face.

"what's going on here?" felix questioned, his eyes moving between minho and jisung.minho winced, his facade crumbling under the weight of the pain. "my knee gave out. it's nothing serious, felix."

felix's expression immediately shifted to concern, his protective instincts kicking in. minho hated having to explain his injury to jisung or anyone else. it felt vulnerable, like exposing a weakness he preferred to keep hidden.

why couldn't they just understand that he didn't want help? he could do it on his own. he had done it on his own for months.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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