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The sound of the waves crashing at the shore. Minji was looking from a far with Yunjin clinging at her arm, it was getting darker and darker she should wasting her time sleeping and getting all the sleep she need, but now here she is beside her feisty girlfriend yunjin.

Later on a sound of a loud scream can be heard from a far, she stood up as she ran where the sounds are coming. Her friend Kazuha suddenly spoke

"Isn't that Mr. Pham's only daughter?" Kazuha said pointing the short figure being hit on her back by a whipped

She pull her arms out of Yunjin's grip and ran to the people who's hitting Hanni "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" She yelled to those ladies who's hitting Hanni on her back and now falls at the sand with her tears.

She walked near Hanni and wipe it's tears "can you stand up little missy?" She asked and Hanni nods.

She helped Hanni to stood up as the young lady wrap her arms on her waist, and her face are on her chest.

"Don't you dare get into my business Kim!" It was Minji's classmate Yiren looking at Hanni and her in anger.

"I wouldn't get into your stuffs if the girl you're hitting isn't crying this bad!" She said in anger as she look at the woman who is crying a tears full of pain

"Don't be over dramatic Minji...i know you know what initiation means...and that woman isn't dumb to know it" Yiren said laughing she look at Hanni and whisper

"Baby? Do you still want to continue?" She asked the young lady

Hanni shake it's head just keep her face burried at Minji's hard chest "no... No... No no please... I wanna go home" Hanni cried out, Minji nods and look at Yiren and it's other members

"You better go home if you don't you'll have to call your parents and meet them in police station... And believe me if Mr. Pham knows what happened about her daughter all of you will get expelled from school" she warned and Yiren curse before running along with its friends

She look at Hanni and carry her softly like a bride "I think we have to go in our house so I can treat your back... Okay?" She tells to Hanni and the woman nods.

Yunjin was following behind her and rolling her eyes "babe... We're still in the middle of date" Yunjin said she shake her head and place Hanni softly sitting on her motorcycle

"Zuha... Take Yunjin home I'll take care of Hanni" she said and drive away as Hanni's hand was wrapped around her waist

Hanni didn't know where to focus. To the pain on her back or the pleasure of feeling Minji carefully holding her thighs with her other hand as the other are driving. The amazing musky scent of vanilla wafted in Hanni's nostrils, it was so intoxicating that she nearly forgot about the pain on her back, somehow she thanked her foolishness of joining Yiren's gang because of the initiation here she is, being held by the person she like the most.

She hugged Minji tightly as she rest her cheek on its back. As they arrive to the place she believe it's house, Minji was so gentle carrying her even if she can walk. The moment Minji place her in the wooden chair, and get some medicine for her back.

When Minji give her water and goes behind her she shaked in the thought of having Minji's hand all over her skin at the back.

"Can you lift your shirt up?" minji asked as she nods and raise her shirt up "son of a... What the fuck they did to you!?" Minji said

Minji saw a very angry red bruised at her back and some of it are turning into a bloody wounds. She softly press the cotton on it and blew a cold air

"I don't know why it hurts like this? The other applicants on their gang doesn't seem get hurt" Hanni said yet Minji knows the exact reason.

"There's a two answer... First your skin is sensitive and you are not used to physical pains... Next the every hits are two times stronger than others since Yiren is pretty mad at you for being so over popular" Minji tell Hanni as she pull her shirt down

Hanni look at the pretty handsome woman behind her and looked down. "You better pray that this wounds won't get worst or else you need a whole lot of explaining to your mom and dad" she said to Hanni as she caress it's face and stroke it's hair

Minji didn't know if she sees it right Hanni was blushing madly, as the smart and small girl looked down

"Thank you for your kindness" Hanni thanked her and holding her big hands and massaging it

She smile at the young lady and nods "don't thanked me Hanni Pham... I wanna know why you do this" she asked glancing at the bruised and wounded back of the young woman

"I-i just wanna be friends with them... I thought if I join their gang I'll be cool and they would like me" Hanni said

'Damn she's stupid' Minji internally spoke as she shake her head

"Hanni... You're already cool and people around you adores you a lot... You can catch everyones heart and eyes... You didn't have to do things as pathetic as this so you will get new friends... " she said as she look at Hanni's eyes

The young woman pout as she looks down because Minji is right, she's popular enough why does she ever think joining a pathetic gang?, but in what she did she's here now so near to Kim Minji, soft skin brushing into hers, red soft lips that she's just dreaming of are here in front of her attracting her to get a taste, Minji's vanilla scent send her in a complete daze and oh as she looks down she saw the bulge that forming in Minji's pants.

'It looks so big' Hanni internally said

Minji lift her chin up "sweetheart my eyes are here... Not in my pants you young woman" Minji said and smile

Hanni blushed in embarrassment as she get caught starring at that area. She stood up "thank you... I-i have to go home now" she said

Minji take a jacket and place it around her, and guide her outside the house to the car of its father

A four seater auv. Kim Minji opened the door and let her in, she squeeled when Minji shut the door and blushed hard as she smell the jacket of the woman

When Minji get in she became silent and let Minji drive her home. Once they got into Pham Residents she smile softly at Minji when she get out of the car and Minji did the same too.

"You better not put pressure on those wounds or else they'll get worse..." She said to Hanni as she smile

Hanni nods as she smile with her braces showing on her teeth, she softly tiptoes and press her lips on the taller's cheeks

"Thank you... see you around in school Minji" the girl said and get inside the house

Minji ride the car but still lost in the way Hanni kissed her cheeks, it was soft and cock hardening as she take a little sight of her amazing cleavage. She internally smacked her head as she scold herself

"Kim Minji stop being a pervert she's fifteen dumbass" she tells herself yet she growled "she's so irresistible... " she said to herself again

The battle between her and her self as she goes back home.

A/n: hehe

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