chapter one

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The school bell rings at exactly 3:25pm, not a minute earlier or a minute later. It was right on cue. I've been dreading this moment all day. Today is the day kacchan wants me to meet him behind the school. And if I don't, I know things will get worse. Kacchan is my childhood best friend turned bully. Him and I used to be inseparable until we got our quirks. Everything changed in that one day. I still remember that day like it was yesterday...

I was quietly waiting for my name to be called to finally know what my quirk was. My mom was sitting next to me on her phone, not even paying attention. Finally, after what felt like forever, the nurse finally called my name. I looked up at my mom, who seemed like she didn't even hear the nurse call my name.

As I had sat down on the chair, I noticed the doctor coming in. He had seemed a bit surprised that my mother wasn't in the room with me. But then he looked relieved? I don't understand why, but he proceeded to tell me that I had two quirks.

He had said, though, that I can't tell anyone about my quirks as they are very rare, especially one of them. That quirk is called immortality. The doctor had explained to me that I could not die from anything besides old age.

I was very excited and thought that quirk was pretty cool, but then I remembered that he said I had two. I asked curiosity about what the second quick was. He looked a little concerned at first but took a deep breath out, then proceeded to tell me what the quirk was.

I first want you to know that this quirk is very dangerous. He was able to get those words out with a shaky breath. He was finally able to get out what the quirk was, and I just looked at him stunned when he explained it to me.

Before I left the room, he reminded me not to tell anyone about my quirks, even my own family. I nodded my head and pretended to cry.

My mother looked up at me with disgust because she heard me crying. She was even more disgusted when the doctor had told her that I was quirkless, which was a lie, but I had to play along for my safety...

Getting home later that day was a nightmare. I was forced to tell my best friend kacchan that I was quirkless. He was coming over for dinner and wanted to know my quirk. After a few minutes of my mother and I getting home, he and his family got to my house. Kacchan pulled me upstairs to my room so we could play heroes and so that I could tell him my quirk.

We started playing heroes and of course I chose to play as Almighty because he was my favorite hero. I don't like him so much anymore. I think the only reason I liked allmight was because he was kacchan's favorite.

After about ten minutes of us playing heroes, kacchan had asked what my quirk was. So I had to put on my little act of crying and telling him I was quirkless. Then everything changed. He pushed me down and said he didn't want to be friends with a quirkless freak...

It was exactly 10 years ago today that my friendship with him ended. And now he wants me to meet him behind the school. I remember what happened that day 10 years ago, while I pack up my book bag and get ready to meet him.

As I walk through the halls of the school towards the exit, I see people staring and laughing at me. This is very common, though, so I think nothing about it as I continue walking to the exit to meet kacchan.

As I almost make it to the exit, I hear kacchan's friends call out 'deku'. That's a 'fun' nickname kacchan gave me back when he found out I was 'quirkless'. I quickly spin around to face them with a scared look on my face. Their faces all turn to smirks as they come closer to me. I know kacchan won't be happy if I'm late so I quickly stutter out that I have somewhere to be.

They don't care and push me down to the ground hard enough where I could've broken my back from the impact. They begin to circle me while I try to get up, saying I really have to be somewhere important.

"Oh, we know" is the only thing I hear them say before they start to kick me and leave a lot of bruises all over my body. They keep calling me a quirkless loser and deku while still beating me up.

After what felt like forever, they finally stopped beating me up. Once they are out of my sight, I start to stand up while looking at my watch. 'Crap, I'm late!' I quickly grab my book bag and run as fast as I can to the back of the school where I'm supposed to meet kacchan.

'Finally! It took you long enough, you damn nerd.' I heard a familiar voice yell out. I see kacchan walking around the side of the building, letting a few explosions go off. I quickly cover my ears since they're very loud. Ever since kacchan got his quirk, he's been setting them off in my ears and around me, so I have very bad noise sensitivity and ptsd. So whenever a loud explosion goes off, I have a panic attack.

He grabs me by my collar and says in my face, 'Now since you're late, you deserve a punishment.' I see him smirking while saying it, and all I can get out is a small timid 'w-what.'

He throws me to the ground and gets on top of me 'oh this is going to be fun,' he says while taking off my shirt. I try pushing him away, but all I get is an explosion to the side of the face, which makes my ears ring.

All I can do is cry as he takes off all of my clothes and then his pants and boxers. The next thing I know, he slams his dick in me with no prep or any lube. I scream out because it hurts too much, and he just smacks my mouth telling me to shut up and that I deserve this because I was late.

After about 30 minutes of kacchan not letting me go, he pulls out and puts back on his boxers and pants. 'Don't tell anyone about this you damn nerd or I'll kill you,' I hear him say as he walks away.

I sit there for another minute or two until I hear someone run towards me, asking if I'm ok. I slowly nod, but then everything goes back as I fall into this strangers arms completely naked.....

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