Chapter three

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I wake up to my mother yelling at me that it was past dinner time and that I was supposed to make her food two hours ago. 'Fuck! I must have fallen asleep,' I curse out to myself as I quickly throw off the covers. I try getting out of my bed but end up tripping over the blanket on the floor making me smash my face into the ground. I quickly stand up and dust off my clothes and sprint down the stairs to start on dinner.

As I make it to the bottom of the stairs a bottle comes flying at me but it hits the wall next to me. I let out a sigh of relief as I walk over to the stove to turn it on. While grabbing a pot and filling it with water my mother comes in yelling, 'Why didn't you make dinner two hours ago brat! You were supposed to have it done when I got home from work!'

Mother normally likes having dinner made and ready for her to eat when she gets home from work which is around 7:30pm. I normally start making dinner around 7 so I have enough time to get it all made by the time she gets home. Today though she didn't get home till 9 which I don't question cause she normally goes out drinking with her new boyfriend.

'I'm sorry mother I overslept' I explain to her while giving a bow after I put the pot onto the stove. She kicks me in my stomach saying that it was no excuse and that it should've been done when she got home. I quickly stand up bowing again while giving an apology. She rolls her eyes grabbing another drink then walks back to the living room to turn on the TV.

I go back to making dinner after she leaves the room. I'm planning on just making a small pot of mac and cheese since I'm probably not allowed to eat dinner after the incident that just happened. I grab the pot again and start filling it with water until there's about the right amount of water. I go and place it on the stove which I already turned on. While the water is heating up I grab another pot to start making the cheese sauce.

I grab milk, two different types of cheese blocks, a shredder to shred the cheese, and some spices. I make sure I shred the cheese first and I put it off to the side. I put about two cups of milk in the pot with some ground mustard, salt, pepper, and a little dash of cinnamon. As I wait for that to heat up to the right temperature I dump the noodles into the boiling water. After the milk has come to the right temperature I put the cheese in it and mix it in. I put the heat to the lowest it can go while the noodles finish cooking.

After everything is done I grab a bowl and put the noodles in. Then I grab the cheese sauce and put it all over the noodles making sure to mix it together to get it all covered in the sauce. I grab a fork and napkin then bring it to my mother in the living room. As I place down the food she looks up at me with a puzzled look. And for the first time I finally hear my mother utter out a compliment...

'This smells good,' are the only words that come out of my mothers mouth before she shoos me away.

I quickly run out of the living room and up to my room. 'I can't believe she actually just complimented me on my cooking. This is the first time she ever has.' I start pacing around my room thinking about what I should make for breakfast that will get me another compliment. As I stop pacing I get the best idea. 'Homemade french toast! Yes, that's perfect.'

I go to my bed and pull out the computer I have for school and start looking at french toast recipes. I keep scrolling as nothing is catching my interest until I see it. 'Homemade strawberry french toast that will make your mama love you' I read out. Perfect I think to myself as I look at the recipe to make sure we have all the ingredients which perfectly enough we do since I just went to the store the other day and picked some strawberries up.

I make sure I save the website before I close out of the tab and go to youtube. Once I open up my youtube I'm bombarded with millions of notifications. Mostly likes and comments but I also notice I've gotten a lot of new followers. I'm grateful for all the followers I have. Most people follow me because they can relate to the songs I make.

While looking at the stats from my last song my jaw literally dropped to the floor. It already has 100.5M views and it's barely been 24 hours! While reading the comments I see a lot that are saying how much they can relate to my song. It makes me sad to see all the comments about how people are battling with abuse and their own family problems. I reply to the few comments I think really need some support then I decide to watch some videos.

Halfway through the second video I get bored and decide to watch a movie. I put on my favorite movie and grab my notebook. As the movie starts I begin to write some new song lyrics. Once the movie was over I had already written the full lyrics. I'm starting to get tired but I can't sleep. I decide to put on another movie and write the music sheet for the song.

Half way through the movie my eyes start to get heavy and next thing I know everything went black...

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