chapter four

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'BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!' I stir awake at the sound of my alarm. 'Ugh,' I roll out of my bed, despising what day it is. I make my way over to my closet to grab my school uniform. Of course, it has to be on Monday. I hate Mondays! That means I have to see all my so-called 'friends' and Kacchan. I shiver just thinking about him. I quickly get on my uniform and run downstairs to start making my mother breakfast.

As I make my way downstairs, I notice my mother isn't up yet. I grab all the ingredients to make the french toast and the pan. I start making the french toast, but I put a few pieces on a plate for me. I have a few bites falling in love with what I made. By the time the food is finished, I have to rush out the door to get to school on time. I quickly leave a note for Mother to hopefully find, then I go put on my shoes and grab my book bag.

I walk out the door and down the hallway to the staircase. As I make it to the stairs, I see my neighbor coming out of their apartment. I give them a quick little wave before I head down the stairs. I let out a small sigh, having to go down 5 flights of stairs. I don't get why we don't have an elevator in this crappy place, but I don't even think it would work if there was one.

I squint my eyes while making my way outside. The sun was so bright, and I'm not used to such bright light. I normally stay up late, where I'm out in the dark walking through alleys. I look down at my hand, thinking back to the times when Toya used to hold it while we were walking to make sure I didn't get lost. I didn't realize it, but I was crying. I lift my hand up to my face to whip my tears as I continue walking to school.

I make it to the train station, but I have an uneasy feeling like someone has been watching me. I shake it off when I get onto the train to find a seat. There's sadly no seats left, so I have to stand, which I don't mind, but I'm really tired, so I keep wobbling around. I end up falling asleep for like five minutes standing up. The train finally gets to my stop, and I quickly hurry off since I'm running a little late.

I sprint all the way to school, trying to get there before the day starts. I bring my sprint down to a walk as I get to the gates of UA. I quickly check my watch.'Yes! 10 minutes earlier than I usually am,' I breathe out walking into the front doors. While walking down the hallway, I see my so-called friends. They aren't really my friends. They're just using me. I don't know why, though I haven't done anything to them. I never understand why they hate me. I try to be super friendly to everyone.

'Hey, Deku!' I hear Ochako yell out to me. She sounds disgusted. I flinch a little bit at the name. I've told her multiple times that I don't like it, but she doesn't listen to me and still uses that name. I walk over to them, putting on a fake smile. 'Hi guys..' They barely heard me. When at school or out in public, I'm very soft-spoken, mostly because of everyone in middle school telling me to shut up any time I would talk.

I look down at my watch and see that the bell is going to ring in about ten minutes. I bow to excuse myself and make my way to class. While walking to class, I bump into someone. I quickly jump up and bow to the person in front of me. I apologize quickly, and as I'm about to walk away, I hear my name. I turn around kinda shocked about who it is.

'Shinso?' He smiles at me and nods. We kinda just stand here talking for five minutes or so talking about different things. The bell goes off as we are in the middle of talking. 'Of course, as I'm finally actually enjoying myself, the bell rings,' I think to myself as Shinso says he has to get to class. We say our goodbyes, and he asks if he'll see me at lunch, and since I was having such a good time talking with him, I said yes and started walking to the classroom.

I walk into the classroom, greeting some of my other classmates and teacher. As I finally sit down at my seat, the final bell goes off, and Sensei stands up and starts roll call. When he gets to Kacchan's name, I don't hear a reply. I'm a little shocked but relieved.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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