chapter two

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I woke up screaming, covered in sweat. 'It was only a dream,' I say, taking a deep breath out. I've been having nightmares ever since that day back in middle school. That day was just the beginning of it all. Every day after that, kacchan would have me meet him behind the school to rape me. And of course, I couldn't tell anyone because he would kill me.

It's the weekend, so I get up out of bed and walk to the small bathroom across the hall in our very small apartment. I live alone with my mom because dad and Tenko left me the day after I found out about my quirks. Mom told them I was quirkless, and dad just left.

I use the bathroom and quickly brush my teeth and try to tame the mess of my hair, but at last, I wasn't able to. I walk back to my room and get dressed in an oversized hoodie and sweatpants. I want to hide all the scars on my body.

'Get your ass down here and make me food you little brat before I beat you again' I hear my mother yell as I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen to start making her food.

As I'm making her food, she walks into the kitchen to open up the fridge and get another bottle of tequila. She's been drinking ever since dad walked out on us. She always tells me it's my fault that he left, and it's true, I'm the reason dad and Tenko left.

As she grabs the second bottle of today, she throws the first one at me, which shatters on my head, making a few pieces get stuck in my head. I try to clean up my head until I hear 'You better not stop cooking my food brat!' I go back to the kitchen to finish up her food.

I reach for a plate from the cabinet, trying not to get the blood coming out of my head everywhere. I finally grab a plate and bring it back to the stove to place the eggs, bacon, pancakes, and sausage onto my mother's plate while also putting syrup and butter on it all.

I hurry to the living room where she's laying on the couch and quickly putting her food down so she doesn't get mad. I quickly run up to the bathroom after she told me to get out of her sight until dinner because I'm the one to make the food. As I make it to the bathroom, I grab the first aid kit and start taking the pieces of broken glass out of my head.

After I get all the tiny pieces of glass out of my head, I try my best to stick up the deeper cuts and then wrap my head in gauze. I always make sure we have plenty because it's how I wrap up my cuts to make sure they don't get infected.

After making sure all the cuts are taken care of, I go into my room, which is nothing more than a mattress on the floor and a few posters here and there. I've got like two pairs of clothes in my closet and only one pair of shoes.

We aren't poor, but Mother never buys me anything. She spends all her money on liquor. The few things I have are from my own money I had made from a job at the Cafe downtown. It shut down, so I had to stop working there, and the money I had saved up my mother found and took because to her, I'm not allowed to have nice things.

I go lay down on my bed, remembering back to the time in middle school when I actually had a friend who didn't care that I was 'quirkless.' He was my best friend, but one day he up and left without saying goodbye or anything which still to this day hurts my heart because I miss him so much.

I still remember what he looked like. He has these deep blue ocean eyes that you could just drown in if you look into them for too long. His hair was white as fresh snowfall that had built up on the ground, making everything around you a pure white. He had these dark purple scars covering his mouth and all down his arms and back. They seemed like they hurt a lot, but he always told me it was nothing, but I could tell from the look of pain washing over his pretty blue eyes like waves. I knew he was lying, but he would never admit it.

He had a bad past, just like me. His father was abusive to him and his siblings. He was forced to work his quirk until he couldn't every single day. He told me that's how he got the scars on his body. He told me how his father was so bad that he drove his mother crazy until the point she poured boiling water over his younger brother's face. When he told me that, I gasped in shock, horrified from what he was telling me.

After he was done telling me about how he had burned the house because he set himself on fire where we couldn't control and that's where the bad scars came from. I instantly hugged him, I knew he needed it. He instantly hugged me back, and I was happy to make him happy.

Every night, I would sneak out of the house after Mother was asleep to go meet him. We would meet in an alleyway a few blocks away from my house, and we would stay up till early in the morning. Some days, I would have to run home so Mother wouldn't notice I had left.

I still go to that same spot now, just waiting and hoping to see him again. I will stay there all night. I normally end up falling asleep in the alley just hoping, but he never came. I'll wake up early so I can walk home instead of sprint just remembering the times that he would walk me back to my window for me to sneak back in.

He would hold my hand walking back just so I didn't get lost. Nowadays while walking, I will find myself staring at my hand, waiting for him to just grab onto my hand and walk me home again. I want to feel the safety I did while he was with me.

He was my only hope during middle school, he saved me after that first incident with kacchan and I still don't know how to repay him even to this day and yet I don't even know if he's still alive out there. If he is, I wish I'm able to see him again for one day, even if it was for only a few minutes. Maybe then I would be able to tell him that I loved him...

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