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"Hey, Fuckface!" a voice called out, breaking through the chaos. The gigantic creature turned its head, startled, as a rocket whizzed by, narrowly missing its giant skull. Quickly refocusing, it peered back towards the source of the interruption, only to be struck head-on by another rocket. The creature's colossal frame crumbled to its knees, weakened and disoriented.

"You okay there?" Said a man with long, shaggy hair and a tactical vest.

"I think so," James replied, exerting effort as he struggled to rise to his feet.

Jill's senses slowly returned as she regained consciousness. The man knelt down, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Who are you?" Jill inquired, her voice tinged with confusion.

"Name's Carlos, and I'm saving you," he responded, a warm smile gracing his face.

Carlos gently lifted Jill upright, aiding her by wrapping her arm around his sturdy frame for support. "Let's get you guys someplace safe," he suggested.

Jill and James trailed behind Carlos, following him to an underground subway tunnel.

"I think we're in the clear," Carlos stated, releasing his grip on Jill.

"Hope so," Jill replied, her voice filled with cautious optimism.

"We've set up a little shelter here. It should be safe," Carlos explained, entering a code to raise a gate.

"Not a bad idea," James interjected, nodding in agreement.

Carlos retraced his steps towards Jill, extending a hand in a gesture of assistance. However, Jill swiftly swatted his arm away, asserting her independence. "I'm fine."

Carlos raised his arms, creating distance between them. "Personal space, got it. Well, let's go." With that, they moved forward.

They approached yet another closed gate. Carlos, with frustration evident on his face, grumbled, "Who's the dipshit that closed this?" He gave the gate a swift kick before turning his attention to a nearby door. "Sorry, we're gonna have to go around."

Jill couldn't help but ask, her curiosity getting the best of her, "So, do you know anything about that monster?"

Carlos, finding no luck with the locked door, kicked it down with a determined fury. "Hell if I know. I've never seen anything like it. One thing for sure, though - it's no zombie. This thing knows exactly what it wants and won't stop until it gets it. Don't you like that in a man?"

Jill couldn't help but roll her eyes. "No thanks, he's all yours." She replied with a sassy smirk.

James couldn't help but notice the flirtatious tension building between Jill and Carlos. But, to his surprise, he didn't blame Jill at all. Carlos had the whole package. Tall, amazing hair, and gigantic muscles.

As they continued on their  path, James spoke up. "That thing said 'stars.' Does that mean anything to either of you?"

Jill's brows furrowed in thought. "S.T.A.R.S was my old unit a few years ago. Maybe it's hunting us down. But why?"

Trying to ease the tension, James inserted a bit of humor. "Any chance he just really enjoys stargazing, and we unintentionally got in his way?"

A faint chuckle escaped Jill's lips. "God, I hope so."

James couldn't help but be captivated by her cute chuckle. The more time he spent with her, the more he found himself falling in love, even in the face of danger and uncertainty.

"I promise you two are in good hands. I'm with the U.B.C.S.," Carlos assured, trying to ease their concerns.

Jill's expression immediately soured, her frustration evident. "Are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me?"

Caught off guard by Jill's sudden outburst, James asked, "What?"

"You're with Umbrella!" Jill accused, her voice filled with anger and disappointment. "You're the ones who caused all this!"

Carlos, staying calm, raised his hands in a placating gesture. "Woah woah woah, calm down. We're here to help people. What's wrong with Umbrella?"

Jill let out a sarcastic chuckle, her eyes filled with bitterness. "What isn't wrong with Umbrella? Your company is responsible for infecting everyone!"

"I don't know anything about that," Carlos said, his voice filled with sincerity.

Jill's anger simmered, but James stepped in and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, urging her to calm down. "I'm sure this isn't Carlos's fault. And besides, the man just saved us. Show him at least a little respect, Jill."

Jill shot a death stare in Carlos's direction, clearly torn between her anger and the rationality in James's words.

Carlos, remaining firm but calm, addressed the situation. "Look, you don't have to trust me if you don't want to, but I'm heading to the shelter. You can come along or go right back the way we came. Doesn't really matter to me."

Jill took a deep breath, fighting to regain control over her emotions. She knew deep down that Carlos had saved their lives, but her distrust for Umbrella still lingered. After a moment of tense silence, Jill reluctantly nodded. "Fine. We'll go to the shelter. But don't think this changes anything, Carlos."

Soon, they walked into a train car, where they found an old man sitting down, nursing a wound on his side.

"Hey, captain. These two folks could use our help," Carlos announced, drawing the attention of the old man.

The old man took a good look at Jill before speaking up. "Carlos, you didn't even think to ask this fine young lady her name? She's an elite operative of the R.P.D. Special Tactics and Rescue Forces. Her name is... Something... Valentine."

"It's Jill," she corrected with a proud smile. "And this is James."

The old man chuckled. "James and Jill, huh? Sounds like quite the pairing you got there."

James took a seat in front of the old man, curiosity filling his eyes. "Who are you?"

"I'm Mikhail Victor, the U.B.C.S platoon leader. We were sent here to rescue civilians," the old man revealed, his voice strong despite his injury.

As James glanced into the next train car, relief washed over him. There were a few other survivors sitting inside, proving that they weren't alone in this fight.

"If we can get this train moving, we can evacuate the survivors. But my men can't do this alone. They'll need help," Mikhail expressed.

"I'll do anything I can to help," James said.

He glanced over at Jill and couldn't help but notice the disapproving look in her eye. "What about you, Jill?"

She let out a sigh before reluctantly responding, "Fine. But let me be clear. I'm doing it for the civilians, not for you."

Carlos simply shrugged and grabbed some supplies from a nearby crate. "Take it easy, it's cool. We all want the same thing here," he said, trying to diffuse the tension.

Mikhail spoke with heartfelt gratitude. "Thank you, Jill. Your help means a lot to all of us."

Carlos handed Jill and James an earpiece. "Alright, supercops, we can use these to stay in contact."

Jill aggressively snatched the earpiece out of Carlos's hand. "I know what a radio is," she retorted sharply before swiftly exiting the train car.

As Carlos watched her leave, he turned to James, a curious expression on his face. "Geez, has she always been like that?"

James shrugged his shoulders in response. "I don't know. I only met her less than an hour ago. But I have a feeling she'll come around. From what I've seen, she's a very kind and compassionate person underneath it all."

Carlos nodded, his expression softened. "Let's hope so, for all our sakes," he agreed, emphasizing the importance of unity.

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