A Plan

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A few hours had passed, and there was still no sign of life from Jill. James was going crazy just sitting down in the subway. One more dirty look from Nicholai would have made him snap.

Suddenly, James heard something in his earpiece. "Hello? Does anybody read me?"

James could tell it was Jill's angelic voice. "Jill? Is that you? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm alright. That bastard is dead," Jill replied.

"Good. Fuck whatever that thing was. But what was that stunt you pulled? It could have easily killed you," James expressed concern.

"Don't start," Jill sighed. "I did what I had to."

"I know... Well, the subway is all set to go, so hurry back," James said.

"Will do," Jill assured.

"And Jill," James added before taking a pause.

"Yes?" Jill responded, curious about his hesitance.

"Please be safe," James pleaded, his words carrying a genuine worry for her well-being.

Jill let out a tiny chuckle. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna die on you."

"You better not," James said, returning with a slight chuckle of his own.

James eagerly walked over to Carlos to share the good news. "Hey, Carlos, Jill is okay. She said she killed that big fucker too."

"No shit?" Carlos responded, his eyes widening with surprise.


"Told ya she'd be fine. I'll go open the gate," Carlos declared as he stood up, a sense of relief evident in his demeanor.

Suddenly, they both heard a beep in their earpiece. "James, that monster is on my ass again!"

"Are you shitting me?" Carlos exclaimed in frustration.

"I thought you killed it?!" James expressed in a worried tone.

"Me too, but now he's back with a damn rocket launcher!" Jill relayed, her urgency palpable as she continued to run from the threat.

"A ROCKET LAUNCHER?!" Both Carlos and James exclaimed in unison.

Suddenly, they heard a deafening blast in the background, followed by a scream of pain from Jill before her com went off.

"Jill?! Jill?!" James called out, his voice laced with worry.

He exchanged worried glances with Carlos before taking off towards the gate. This time, instead of arguing, Carlos was right behind him, their shared concern propelling them forward.

"I got a plan," Carlos announced as he dug into a weapons crate.

"What is it?" James asked eagerly.

"These bad boys," Carlos replied, pulling out a few claymores.

"Perfect," James said before placing a finger on his earpiece. "Jill, are you there? Are you still alive?"

"Barely," Jill replied in a pained voice.

"Lead him back to the station," Carlos instructed.

"Right back to all of you?!" Jill questioned.

"Just trust us," James reassured.

Jill sighed. "Alright, I'll be there soon. Get ready."

"Woah, be careful with that thing. You'll blow us both to hell," Carlos cautioned as James swiftly picked up the second claymore, the tension in the air escalating with the presence of the explosive device.

They strategically placed both claymores on opposite sides of the narrow alleyway. After a few minutes, James could hear Jill being relentlessly chased down by the creature, the adrenaline pumping as they awaited the decisive moment.

"Jump!" James shouted in panic.

Jill instantly jumped over a claymore, narrowly avoiding it.

Not seeing it, Nemesis stumbled into the claymore behind her, setting it off and blowing up in its face.

The force of the explosion sent it flying back into a brick wall, shaking the entire building upon impact.

The sight of Nemesis getting back to its feet stunned both Carlos and James.

James quickly shot the second claymore, causing it to blow up right in the creature's face for the second time.

"Are you okay?" James asked as he reached out and grasped Jill's hands.

Jill gasped for air, still recovering from her close call with the claymore, but she nodded her head. "I'm still breathing."

Nemesis began to stir again, seemingly immune to the bullets Carlos was firing at it.

"Stay down!" Carlos yelled at the creature, emptying the whole clip of his rifle into it, yet the creature remained unaffected.

"Forget about him!" Jill shouted, rushing toward the safety of the subway station with James.

Carlos saw an oil truck nearby, and his eyes lit up with a sudden idea. He quickly pulled out a grenade and threw it at the truck with deadly accuracy, causing it to explode into a huge ball of flames. Carlos dove under the door just in time, narrowly avoiding the massive explosion as Jill rushed to close the gate, shutting out the sight of the fireball.

"Damn, nice thinking," James said as he helped Carlos to his feet.

"Let's just pray that put him down," Carlos said.

"Let's not stick around to find out," Jill said as she started walking back to the subway.

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