Chapter Eleven

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Isabella's protective stance in front of Bella radiated a mix of anger and defiance, her fangs bared as she confronted the manipulative vampire, James. "Her mom isn't even here," Her words, laced with venom, revealed her anger at the deception, her emotions overriding the fear that had gripped her moments before.

"Sorry. But you both really made it too easy. So, to make things more
entertaining, I'm gonna make a little film of our time together. I borrowed
this from your house, Bella, I hope you don't mind, okay. And...action! Oh...It'll break Edward's little heart," James's taunting response cut through the tense atmosphere, his demeanor steeped in cruel amusement. The revelation that Bella's mother wasn't present added a chilling layer of deception to the situation. His ominous threat to film their time together using an item borrowed from Bella's house sent a shiver down their spines, emphasizing the gravity of the danger they faced.

The mention of Edward, coupled with James's ominous tone, heightened the stakes, signaling potential harm not just to Bella but to those she cared about. Isabella's protective instincts surged as she prepared to defend herself and Bella against the imminent threat, her resolve firm in the face of James's twisted intentions.

As Bella placed the pepper spray into Isabella's hand, an act of silent preparation, James, the threatening vampire, continued his approach. Bella, attempting to reason with him, interjected with a resolute tone, emphasizing Edward's innocence in the situation, hoping to deflect any potential harm from her loved ones.

However, James remained unperturbed by Bella's plea, his smirk widening as he drew nearer. The sinister expression on his face indicated a disregard for her words, reveling in the control and power he held over the situation, unfazed by Bella's attempts to diffuse the tension.

The escalating confrontation set the stage for a tense and potentially dangerous encounter, the air thick with apprehension as Isabella gripped the pepper spray, ready to defend herself and Bella against the looming threat posed by James, the manipulative vampire.

"Relax...Oh ho, oh, his rage will make for more interesting sport than his feeble attempt to protect you. And you little girl, you are no challenge, maybe once I am done with you. I might take that necklace and wear it as a reward."

The futile attempt to use the pepper spray on James yielded no effect, exacerbating the already intense situation. Frustration and rage fueled the vampire's anger, his fury mounting as Isabella and Bella made a desperate dash towards the exit.

James, seething with anger, intercepted Bella, using his supernatural speed to hurl her forcefully into a nearby column. The sickening sound of impact echoed through the room as Bella's head struck the hard surface. Isabella, witnessing the horrifying scene, felt a surge of panic and desperation coursing through her veins.

In her attempt to evade James's wrath, Isabella sought refuge behind a nearby mirror, seeking cover from the chaos unfolding around her. As she maneuvered, a shard of glass sliced through her arm, a searing pain shooting through her.

The combination of fear, pain, and an overwhelming sense of protectiveness toward Bella triggered something primal within Isabella. A guttural growl, borne out of raw instinct and an intense surge of adrenaline, escaped her lips as she stood, her senses heightened and a newfound ferocity fueling her determination to protect herself and Bella from the imminent danger posed by the enraged vampire.

The sudden onslaught of James's relentless attack caught Isabella off guard. Despite her valiant attempts to defend herself, his supernatural speed outmatched her efforts. In a swift motion, he closed the distance between them, delivering a powerful blow that rendered Isabella unconscious, leaving her defenseless against the looming threat.

The already weakened state from the injury, coupled with the loss of blood before her arm could fully heal, further compromised Isabella's ability to resist James's assault. His callous actions knew no bounds as he resorted to breaking her arm, using the brutal act as a means of intimidation, instilling fear in Bella as she witnessed the gruesome display.

The sound of the bone snapping echoed through the room, the excruciating pain shooting through Isabella's body even in her unconscious state. Meanwhile, Bella, filled with a mixture of horror and helplessness, watched in shock and despair as James demonstrated his cruelty, leaving her paralyzed with fear for both herself and her injured companion.

James's sinister smirk reflected his twisted enjoyment of the unfolding chaos as he approached the incapacitated Bella. With Isabella unconscious and unable to intervene, he reveled in the powerlessness of his victims, relishing the fear and vulnerability he instilled in Bella.

His gaze fixated on Bella's leg, the source of his malevolent amusement. The malicious glint in his eyes underscored his sadistic pleasure, savoring the anguish he was about to inflict. His menacing presence loomed over Bella, his cruel intentions shrouding her in a suffocating sense of dread and impending harm.

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