Chapter Twelve

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The arrival of the Cullens in the tumultuous scene brought a glimmer of hope amid the chaos. Edward, in a state of profound concern and urgency, immediately noticed the bite mark on Bella, a wave of worry flooding his features. Determined to save her, he focused all his efforts on attending to her injuries, swiftly and skillfully tending to her with the intent of securing her safety.

While Edward devoted himself to Bella's care, his siblings rallied to confront James, aiming to neutralize the immediate threat and prevent further harm. Meanwhile, Rose, with her protective instincts in full force, took charge of Isabella. Recognizing the severity of Isabella's injuries, Rose acted decisively, swiftly removing her from the dangerous situation within the ballet studio.

Isabella, still unconscious and with her arm requiring urgent attention, was carefully guided out of the chaotic scene by Rose. Despite being incapacitated, Isabella's well-being remained a priority, and Rose took charge, ensuring that Isabella received the necessary care and attention for her injuries, including the critical need to reset her dislocated arm.

Waking up in an unfamiliar room can indeed be disorienting, especially for someone who's never been in a hospital before. Isabella's panic in that situation would be quite natural. The sterile, white environment might have amplified her sense of anxiety and fear.

Esme, ever the nurturing and calming presence, noticed Isabella's distress and approached her bedside. With a gentle touch and soothing reassurance, she placed her hand over Isabella's, offering comfort and a sense of security in the midst of the overwhelming environment.

In a soothing tone, Esme assured Isabella that she was safe and in good hands, seeking to ease the young girl's worries and calm her nerves in this unfamiliar setting. Her motherly presence and words aimed to provide solace to Isabella, helping her navigate the unfamiliarity of the hospital environment and alleviating her fears during this distressing moment.

"Bella! Bella is she okay?" Isabella's concern for Bella, even in her own state of distress, highlighted the depth of their bond. Despite her pain and uncertainty, her primary worry remained fixed on the well-being of her dear friend. Her genuine concern for Bella reflected the strength of their friendship, a bond that persisted through adversity.

Even as Isabella grappled with her own discomfort, her thoughts were consumed by Bella's safety and condition. Her concern underscored the profound connection they shared, revealing Isabella's selfless nature and unwavering care for her friend, even in the face of her own pain and uncertainty.

"Isabella honey, she is alright," Esme would say. She would place her hand on her hand. "How are you feeling?" Esme's gentle reassurance aimed to alleviate Isabella's worries about Bella's well-being, offering a comforting touch as she sought to provide solace to the concerned young girl.

Inquiring about Isabella's own condition, Esme's caring demeanor and concern for her well-being shone through. Placing her hand on Isabella's, she extended her warmth and support, creating a sense of comfort and security for the girl in the midst of her distress.

Esme's question, though simple, carried a depth of care and genuine interest in Isabella's feelings, encouraging her to express her own concerns and discomfort, while also offering a supportive presence to help her navigate the uncertainty and unease of the situation.

"Sore but okay," she would whisper, before feeling around her neck for her necklace for the crest she wore to show where she had come from. Her eyes widened, but before she would start to panic again Esme would hold it over to her. Standing, she would exit the room. The girl would instantly take it in her hands, and look at it. She wanted nothing more than her father to hug her and tell her that everything was alright. But as she slowly got out of bed and pulled the IV out of her arm, she looked at Esme. "I-I can't take this. You and Carlisle were here for me... my father... he-" she sighed as she looked at the crest that lay between her fingers. Anger causing her to squeeze it and feeling the metal being crushed under her fingers. Carlisle knocked on the door to her hospital room, and smiled as he entered. He placed his hand on her shoulder gently, smiled down at her.

"I've gotten all your paper work finished," he spoke. "We threw out your old outfit and rose has brought you something to wear home." Pausing, Isabella raised an eyebrow. Home? He wants their home to be hers. The anger from before melted away, as she looked up at him.

"I've never really had a home. I mean... thank you Carlisle," she spoke looking back down at her feet. Carlisle nodded and went to the closet that had been in her room, and grabbed the pair of jeans, and the black turtle neck that Rose brought her. He laid them on the bed beside Isabella, leaving the room and having Esme follow.

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