Mission 1: Operation Blackout

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Location: New York City

Destroy Russian EW radars to provide US Army and US Marine Corps units the ability call air support from the US Air Force and kill Colonel Kuznetsov.

The team silently walks through the City, while not getting caught by Russian soldiers. Then Liutenant Ramirez sees the radar array in the distance with his binoculars, along with Colonel Kuznetsov.

Mission gameplay:

Liutenant Ramirez:
"Alright boys, we're in enemy turf. Eyes sharp and stay frosty. Our priority is those EW radars and taking out Colonel Kuznetsov. Move out!"

Sergeant Diaz:
"Roger that, Ghost. I've got eyes on the radar array. It's heavily guarded.

Private Nguyen:
"We've got company patrolling the street, sir. Looks like they're expecting us."

The squad manueuvers through the abandoned streets, alleyways and buildings, while either avoiding Russian vehicle patrols or silently killing Russian foot patrols by stabbing them in the throats with knives. As they approach the radar installation, they prepare for the assault.

Liutenant Ramirez:
"Alright boys, light it up!"

The squad engages in a fierce firefight with the Russian Armed Forces, and it results with the EW radars being destroyed.

Sergeant Diaz: Hell yeah, boss! Those Russians are getting a real ass whopping now!
Liutenant Ramirez: (over comms)
"Bald Eagle 5, this is Ghost, over! Russian electronic warfare radars down, now send us some damn air support!"

Bald eagle 5: Copy that Ghost, all birds, communications are online, I repeat, all communications are online! All birds, we have a go, I repeat, we have a go! Thank you Ghost, over and out.

After the radio call, Liutenant Ramirez looks at private Nguyen.

Liutenant Ramirez: Nguyen, what happened to Kuznetsov?
Private Nguyen: he fled on a Hind, sir, but we'll get him though.

Liutenant Ramirez: "he may be alive, but now the Russians are fleeing from America like fucking flies!"

Battlefield 4: Shadow Front Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora