Mission 3: Operation Andean Thunder

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Southern Colombia

Kill all rebel leaders

Liutenant Ramirez:
Team, we're in hostile territory. The rebel leaders are holed up in this region.

Sergeant Diaz:
Copy that, sir. This terrain is tough. Rebels could be anywhere.

Private Nguyen:
Scouts report heavy rebel presence. They're expecting trouble.

Liutenant Ramirez:
We'll give them just that. Marcus, scout ahead. Diaz, cover our flank. Nguyen, stay close.

Then the squad crawls and walks their way to the stronghold, but though they accidentally encounter the rebels, causing a fierce firefight.

Sergeant Diaz:
Contact! Rebels spotted, heavily armed and dug in!

Liutenant Ramirez:
Engage and eliminate the hostiles! Diaz, provide suppressing fire!

Sergeant Diaz:
Yes, sir!

The squad engages in heavy firefights, maneuvering through the challenging landscape to reach their primary targets.

Private Nguyen:
I've located the rebel leaders' stronghold! It's heavily guarded, sir!

Liutenant Ramirez:
Let's take it down! Diaz, Marcus, on me!

Diaz and Marcus:
Sir, yes sir!

The squad launches a coordinated assault on the rebel leaders' stronghold, engaging in a fierce battle with the compound.

Liutenant Ramirez:
Targets neutralized! This isn't over yet! Clear out the remaining rebels and secure the area.

Sergeant Diaz:
Lower ranking rebels are surrendering! We got them on their knees, sir.

After the battle, lower-ranking rebel fighters surrender, signalling the collapse of rebel leadership.

Liutenant Ramirez:
Mission accomplished! The rebel leadership's dead! Time to call in the Columbian military to take control.

Private Nguyen:
These hills will be quiet again. Good to see the local forces regain control.

Battlefield 4: Shadow Front Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora