Mission 2: Operation Jungle Strike

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Location: São Paolo, Brazil.
Objective: kill militia leaders so that the Brazilian military can retake the city.

The team silently walks through the urban landscape, avoiding Brazilian militiamen.

Gameplay sequence:

Liutenant Ramirez:
"Alright team, São Paulo is a hotbed for militia activity. Our goal is to take out the militia leaders and weaken their grip on the city. Move in quietly and stau alert."

Sergeant Diaz:
"Got it, sir. Eyes peeled for militia activity."

Private Nguyen:
"Looks like they fortified the area. Heavy resistance expected."

Liutenant Ramirez:
"We're coming in hard and fast. Marcus, take point, Diaz cover our six and Nguyen, stay close."

The squad them engages in multiple fierce firefights with the militia.

Sergeant Diaz:
"Contact! Militia ahead, heavily armed!"

Liutenant Ramirez:
"Engage and neutralize the threat! Marcus, breach that building. Nguyen, provide suppressing fire!"

Marcus and Nguyen:
"Yes sir, we're on it!"

After the firefights, the arrived at the building where the militia leaders are located in.

Private Nguyen:
"We're at the location, sir! Militia leaders are in the top floor of the building!"

Liutenant Ramirez:
"Good eyes, Nguyen. Let's finish this. Marcus, Diaz with me!"

Marcus and Diaz:
"Sir yes sir!"

The squad breaches the building, engaging in a fierce battle with the militia leaders and their bodyguards.

Militia leader:
"Oh shit! Those American assholes are here! Get them!"

"Sir, yes sir! Engaging hostiles!"

Liutenant Ramirez:
"Targets down! That is it, team. Time to clear out the rest and secure the area."

Sergeant Diaz:
"The remaining militia are surrendering, sir! We got them on their knees!"

After the the lower ranking militiamen heard of the deaths of their leaders, they began to surrender.

Liutenant Ramirez:
"Mission accomplished. We've broken their hold on São Paulo. It's time we call the authorities to take over."

Private Nguyen:
"Feels good to see theses streets are under control again."

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