act 5. how ill of me

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"Are you sure she'll be okay, Doc?"

"Mr. Juice, we assure you that Cabby is in good hands, and we will do everything in our power in order to make sure she lives and makes a full recovery."

"But, this is all just so confusing. Why would she do this?"

"It's okay, it's very normal to feel confused when somebody you know attempts to take their own life, you may not know what pushed them to the edge, maybe when she wakes up you two can have a one on one and finally figure out what was her breaking point."

"...Well, I do have a note she left on the sink..."

"Well, that's a talking point!"


"Dr. Fizz, the patient is awake."

Dr. Fizz loomed over at a tired looking Cabby. Her eyes were droopy, and her skin was pale, and she had no clue where she was. All she remembered was passing out in the bathroom.

"Miss. Cabby, correct?" The doctor asked, Cabby groaned tiredly in response, "Well, it's great to see that you are alive, and I must sayed I'm surprised you're still here even after taking nearly an entire bottle of painkillers!"

...Did she really take that much?

"Well..." Dr. Fizz continued, "I'll leave you alone while I finish talking to Mr. Orange Juice and the other witnesses." With that, the doctor disappeared into the hall.

Cabby looked around at the atmosphere around her. It was not the bathroom she was in, Cabby was in a hospital room, the walls were pale baby blue, and the floor was grey, Cabby was attached to a heart monitor and a bloodbag, she didn't have her glasses on, maybe because they were left back at the hotel, however her wheelchair was folded and was placed by a coffee table with a flower vase on it.

 It was not the bathroom she was in, Cabby was in a hospital room, the walls were pale baby blue, and the floor was grey, Cabby was attached to a heart monitor and a bloodbag, she didn't have her glasses on, maybe because they were left back at th...

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After a while, two people entered Cabby's room, and it was OJ and Bot, Bot sat on a chair near Cabby's hospital bed, while OJ sat on the bed's edge.

"Cabby," OJ started, "I have some good news, and I have some bad news."

"Oh, great..." Cabby thought to herself

OJ took a deep breath before continuing, "The good news, you will not be sent to a physic ward, me and Dr. Fizz made a compromise!"

"And the bad news?" Cabby asked.

"The bad news is that you're gonna have to stay at Hotel OJ for a while, only until you have been deemed mentally well enough to be sent back home."

Cabby simply just responded, "Oh." But in her mind, she was very pissed off. She's now stuck at that damned Hotel until she is 'mentally well,' such bullshit.

OJ left the room while Bot stayed. They were still sitting on that chair but facing a wall and refused to make eye contact with Cabby, Cabby couldn't tell if they were mad or upset, or both.

"Bot?" Cabby stuttered, "I'm... I'm... I'm so sorry you had to go through that..."

"Don't say that... don't say sorry..." Bot replied, almost sounding hasty. "It's not your fault. It's not your fault. This world is so cruel that it's unbelievable. DON'T SAY SORRY!" They turned their head around to reveal that they were crying, and tears were streaming down their face at a fast pace, which made Cabby only want to say sorry yet again, but she knew that only make them continue crying.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, it's okay." Cabby said, rubbing their shoulder to soothe them, "No its not... It's not okay. You tried to kill yourself..." Bot snapped back, continuing to cry, "Cabby, you tried to kill yourself, because of...

because of...

because of... TEST TUBE!"

Cabby gasped at that sentence. Even if she knew it was true, she lied to comfort Bot. They didn't deserve to know that...

"Bot, that isn't true. In fact, it's far from the truth!" Cabby lied.

"But... your note!" Bot replied.

"Bot, just because I mentioned her in my note, doesn't mean she was the reason!"

Such a pathetic lie.

"Oh... I guess you're right then..." Bot wiped away their tears and left the room, then followed by the voice of Test Tube. Cabby head peered up, and she took a listen...

"Are you alright, Bot?"

"I don't know, Test Tube."

"Bot, you seem a bit mad at me. Did I do or say something wrong?"

"Well... maybe you are in the wrong..."

"Me? In the wrong?"

"Yeah... you did say all that stuff about Cabby, calling her creepy... and that really hurt her feelings..."


"Test Tube...?"

"Let's just go back!"

How would Test Tube feel if someone close to her died?

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