(unfinished) act 7. childs play

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Everything felt still, the cold breeze of 10pm making her skin pierce with goosebumps and small hairs on her arms shoot up, despite her being wrapped up warm.

What was Cabby going to do? She just killed someone out of blind rage, yet... she's only worrying about how she's going to get rid of Fan's soulless vessel...

Cabby stared around at her environment, seeing what she could work with.

"Let's see..." The Collecter thought to herself.


Cabby and Fan's body was by the side of a supermarket.
Next to them was a metal bin with a black plastic bag.
And just a while away from the shop was a playground.
Cabby wanted to see what was there at the playground that could help her, but she couldn't leave Fan's corpse alone. Cabby looked back at the bin and moved her wheelchair closer to it. She looked inside the bag. It wasn't full and only had a few soda cans and sweet wrappers in. it wasn't perfect, but it'll have to do.

Cabby scurried her mobility aid towards Fan's body. She tried to bend down to pick it up but ended up falling out of her wheelchair and onto Fan. The collector gasped in disgust as her body made contact with the nerds. She didn't feel too keen touching a dead body, Cabby pushed herself off of Fan and used her hands to crawl her way to the bin, pulled out the plastic bag, and shoved Fan's body inside, and tied up the bag.

Cabby let herself back onto her wheelchair and moved herself towards the playground. It was a generic playground, swings, round-abouts, monkey bars, and slides. Beneath her wheels was a skipping rope, Cabby stared at it with her blank eyes, and then an idea popped into her head.
She had an idea...
It's a very vile idea...



Cabby grabbed the skipping rope and placed it into her fanny pack, she went back to the side of the supermarket and placed the bag containing Fan's body on her lap as she made her way back to the hotel.

The trip back was quiet. Fortunately, there were no bystanders on the path...
Cabby looked through the window of the hotel, the lights were off, no sign of OJ or Paper, that's good, Cabby was unable to enter via the front door because it's always locked at 10 past midnight for safety measures, but hotel guests who leave before the frount doors are shut are given a special key for the backdoor. Cabby got the key out of her fanny pack and opened the door.
Cabby looked around.
She listened around to her surroundings.
Cabby made her way to the living room, and then towards the two ways of getting up, the elevator, or the stairs.

Cabby couldn't take the elevator...
It would make too much noise.
And it would wake someone up.
And s he woul d get ca u ght
I t w ou ld b e th e e n d
Cabby started hyperventilating at the thought of getting caught. She felt tears sharply prick her eyes, and her throat felt like it was closing in on itself.
"There is no going back now." She thought to herself
"You are too far gone."
"Might as well just finish the job."
Cabby pulled herself out of her wheelchair and grabbed the knot of the bag, and used her hands to help crawl herself up the stairs, when she reached the top and placed Fan's body, she went back down for her wheelchair, dragging it along with her.

She clawed herself back into her wheelchair, placed the body bag back on her lap, and headed for Fan and Paintbrush's room

Cabby quietly swung the door open and let herself in. She put the bag with Fan's body onto Fan's bed, Cabby reached into her fanny pack and pulled out the skipping rope.

(discontinued) holes | an inanimate insanity darkficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora