Chapter 3 - Dance of the Aurora Borealis

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"I don't understand...what exactly could you possibly have to show me in my garden shed?" Farah asked. After she had regained home of all places...hers and her mother's lodger told her that he wanted to show her something. The Doctor just looked at her before opening the door. The young woman's mouth dropped open at the wooden blue box that had been stashed inside. The Time Lord pushed the ship's door open and gestured for her to go in. Farah stepped inside the TARDIS, her eyes widening at the sheer size of the room. "What?!" she exclaimed before rushing outside. The 23 year old went around the blue box "This is impossible", she said circling it again. The Doctor leant against the console waiting for her to come back in, most likely say what everyone always says. The ginger entered the TARDIS still looking rather amazed.

"Anything to say? About the size maybe?" the Time Lord questioned.

"It''s bigger on the inside!" Farah exclaimed. The Doctor grinned at her, even James barely contained his own smile. "You liked hearing me say that, right?" she enquired, eyeing the Time Lord.

"Yeah I did", he admits "How did you know?"

Farah cast a glance her friend, who gave her an encouraging nod. "Well, I um..." she twisted a strand of ginger hair around her finger "I'm an empath. I can feel what you're feeling". She dropped her gaze to her feet, braced herself for the insults and the mocking. But it never came.

"That's amazing", the Doctor said.

Farah looked up at him in surprise "Really? You don't think that makes me a freak or a werido?"

"No, it makes you special", the Time Lord frowned "why would you think that?"

"My dad said my...thing was curse and that I was a freak", the 23 year old explained, her voice trembling "and he left because of me".

"Well, he is a closeminded idiot", James remarked moving closer to her, putting an arm around her shoulders "you and Kate are much better off without him".

"Yeah I suppose..." the ginger murmured. The dirty blond gave the Doctor a pointed look.

"You know what you need? A little trip", the Time Lord commented "you name a destination and I'll take you there".

"Thanks but I don't think it's the best time to go on a jolly", Farah mumbled "besides my mother would be worried sick if I just disappeared for a day or two without warning.

"If it helps, the TARDIS can travel in time AND space", the Doctor told her.

The young woman blinked "is he being serious?" she asked James, not sure whether he was pulling her leg.

"Very", the dirt blond replied.

"Well....I guess one trip in the TARDIS wouldn't hurt", Farah conceded "As long as you can promise that I'll be back for around this time so my mother isn't the wiser".

"That I can do", the Doctor promised. James snorted and he shot him a glare. "I can!" the Time Lord insisted.

"Sure, keep telling yourself that", the dirty blond said, knowing his track record for getting to the correct time and place "in any case, I best come with you. Just to ensure Fay gets home at the right time".

"The more the merrier", the Time Lord stated, though secretly he'd hoped it would be just himself and Farah on the ginger's first trip. No third wheel as it were. "Right", he clapped his hands together, rubbing them "all of time and space. Where would you like to go Fay?"

"Well, I um..." Farah moved away from James and over to the console, trailing her fingers over it as she contemplated.

"How about Greece or Rome?" James suggested "you enjoy history".

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