Chapter 5 - Runaway Bride part 1

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*above is Farah's dress for the Runaway Bride episode*

"You can't do that...we're in flight! That is...that is physically impossible! How did...?" the Doctor stammered, utterly bewildered on how she got into his ship.

"Tell me where I am. I demand you two tell me right now, where am I?" the bride demanded.

"Inside the TARDIS miss", Farah replied.

"The...what?" the ginger frowned.

"The TARDIS", the Time Lord said and turned back to the console, trying to figure out how she got on board.

"The...what?" the woman repeated.

"It's called the TARDIS", the ginger explained, calmly, sensing her growing anger.

"That's not even a proper word. You're just saying things!" the bride said, angrily as she was missing her own wedding.

"How did you get in here?" the Doctor questioned, casting a glance at her, hoping the irate woman might be able to shed some light on the mystery.

"Well obviously, when you kidnapped me", the bride snapped "And obviously I'm not the first you've taken", she accused, casting a pointed look at Farah.

"He didn't kidnap me. He's my friend", the ginger assured her.

"Did he force you to say that?" the woman pressed, now noticing the double doors.

"No. honestly he is my friend", the empath insisted. The bride then did something the young woman didn't expect. She grabbed hold of her wrist and start pulling her towards the doors wanting to get herself and the other woman away from the mad man.

"Hey!" Farah exclaimed trying to remove the woman's grip from around her wrist.

"No, wait a minute!" the Doctor said seeing the bride dragging the ginger towards the doors. The woman ignored him. When she reached the doors, she let go of red head's wrist and threw open the doors of the TARDIS. Both women stared out at the supernova, the bride in astonishment while the 23 year old had a smile on her face. "You're in space. Outer space. This is my... spaceship. It's called the TARDIS", the Time Lord explained, joining them.

"How am I breathing?" the astounded woman asked the pair.

"The TARDIS is protecting us", the Doctor replied.

"Who are you two?", the bride enquired.

"I'm the Doctor", the Time Lord introduced "and this is Farah Galen".

"You can call me Fay, if you like", the empath offered " What's your name?"

"Donna Noble", the woman answered.

"Human?" the Doctor asked, earning him a punch in the arm from his companion.

"Well, of course I am!" Donna snapped.

Farah suddenly shivered from the cold causing her to close the doors. The Doctor took hold of her hand and bounded up the ramp. "But I don't understand it and I understand everything!" the Time Lord exclaimed, letting go of her hand "But this... this can't happen!" he continued, waving his hands at Donna, who'd slowly joined them at the console.

"And yet somehow it has", the empath stated. Suddenly the Time Lord grabbed an ophthalmoscope and used it to look into bride's eyes.

"Impossible", the Doctor mumbled "Some sort of Subatomic connection? Something in the temporal field? Maybe something pulling you into alignment with the Chronon Shell. Maybe something..." he broke off when Farah snatched the ophthalmoscope out of his hands and tossed it behind her. "What did you do that for?" the Time Lord asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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