Chapter 1 | First Day of School! Well, Kinda

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Third person POV

October 2nd 2023

Nervous was not even close to what Danielle felt. She, a 17 year old girl, was pacing back and forth in her room when she heard a knock from her twin sister, Sarah, who was leaning on the door frame with her arms crossed and a concerned face.

"You need to stop worrying," She said "you're going to be fine."

"How am I supposed to stop worrying?! What if-"

"You are not going to make a bad first impression to anyone. And your perfect  reputation is fine." She said interrupting her twin sister knowing what she would say after hearing her repeat the same thing each day. She turned away from her sister and started walking so she didn't her anything against the (correct) statement she just made.

Time Skip — Oh and They Are Now At School —

Danielle walked the halls of the high school alone since her twin sister (so rudely) abandoned her and went frolicking elsewhere. Danielle was looking down at her map of the school trying to find where her period 1 math class was when she bumped into someone. She looked up and saw a (pretty good looking) girl with messy brown hair and a newsboy hat.

"I-I-I-I uh sorry." Danielle managed to mumble still mesmerized by how good looking the other girl was.

"You don't need to be sorry. I'm Jackie by the way!" The, now named girl, extended her hand while Danielle blushed slightly.

Danielle shook her hand numbly as she was staring at Jackie. She quickly caught herself and said "My name is Danielle!" Smiling now gaining some confidence.

"So Danielle are youse new?" Jackie asked Danielle with a sight New York accent.

"Yeah, I have always lived in New York but my dad got a new job so that's why we moved here in the middle of the year."

"Cool. What class do you have first? Do you want to hang out with my other friends during lunch? Can I see your schedule? Can I call you Davey?"

"Math and yes you can call me Davey. Also are you sure that your friends won't be mad with me sitting with them?" Davey replied handing Jackie her schedule.

"Of course! Plus we love new kids!!" Jackie paused for a moment to look at the schedule "Davey, you didn't tell me that you had journalism!" Jackie yelled slightly.

"I didn't think it was that important." Davey stated a little confused.

"Of course it is important! Me and all my friends are in it. We also basically run the school paper. Oh!" Jackie gets really excited "You should join The Newspaper Club!" 

Before Davey can respond in anyway, shape or form the bell rings. 

"Davey, I don't have math with you but do you want me to wait you to your class?"

Davey nods hoping not to blush but sadly failing a little bit.

Time Skip — It Is Now Lunch —

Math (and the other classes Davey took leading up to lunch) were boring. But it was lunch time now and it was time to eat.

Davey walked into the cafeteria looking for the (slightly) familiar face that is Jackie. I am so excited to see Jackie and her friends. What if they are mean? Will they like me?  I am really excited to see Jackie again! Wait why would I be so excited to see Jackie agi-  Davey thought gets cut off by the (beautiful) voice of Jackie saying "Davey over here!" Jackie was waving here hand in the air as she was sitting in at a table.

Davey walks over to her and sits next to Jackie. She notices that what she thought was one lunch table was actually to tables together while a bunch of people (Davey assumed that these people were Jackie's friends). Jackie stands up and speaks "Everyone this is Davey." She says standing and pointing at Davey. "Davey meet my second, Race, my (adopted) brother Crutchie, Kid Blink, Mush, Specs, Romeo, Albert, Finch, Mike, Ike, Skittery, and of course Spot Conlon, King of Brooklyn. And I know most of them have weird names but they are nicknames."

A bunch of "Hellos" were said and one shy "Hi" from Davey as a response.

Jackie sits down again and turns to face Davey. "The Newspaper Club is meeting after school today if you want to come. And before you ask we allow people to join later in the year."

Davey takes a moment to think about it before saying "What room? Also can I bring my sister? I think she would really like it."

"Of course! And it is in the same room as Journalism." Jackie says happy that Davey is going to the meeting.

— Time Skip — It Is After School In The Newspaper Club Meeting —

Journalism was fun. Davey learned a little in the class. One thing that she learned was that Mr. Denton, the journalism teacher, is also the Newspaper Club president. Tho this didn't surprise Davey all that much.

"All right," Mr. Denton says walking into the room making everyone turn their attention to him "what are we putting in the papers this week?" Denton looks at Davey "It is nice to see you here Danielle."

Davey just smiles happy to know that someone wants her there. Sarah comes in with another girl beside her. They both sit next to Davey. People start saying things that they can write about. Davey doesn't know what to do so she just watches everyone grab stuff to write with for the paper. Then she remembers that Sarah and the other girl were there so she turns to face them. Sarah was talking to the other girl. What a perfect time to interrupt them.

"So Sarah," Davey starts indeed interrupting their conversation "aren't you going to tell me who you brought to The Newspaper Club?"

"Oh um," Sarah says "this is Kathrine. I meet her in one of my classes."

"Hi!" Kathrine says enthusiastically.

"Hi! I'm Danielle. You can call me that of Davey." Davey turns her attention back to the other people in the room who are still saying things to write for the newspaper.

"There was a Football game on Saturday." Race shouts.

"The school musical is coming up." Jack says.

"Wait. When is this?" Davey asks wanting to hear more.

"Next month. You should come."

"Oh, I definitely will!" Davey says excitedly.

"Ok," Denton says "go write about that stuff."

1043 Words



I may have or may have not re-written a lot of this chapter and I am planning on re-writing the other chapter I published because I changed part of the story. Also I am thinking about changing the book title because it isn't really creative. The first time I published this chapter I was writing it at 10:05 pm and now I am writing it at 10:46 pm meaning I should probably get some sleep. But I kinda don't wanna. I don't really know what else to write here. Btw it is now at 1150 words.

From, your gay author, Rose (Who definitely needs to sleep)

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