Chapter 2 | There is a First Time for Everything

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Third Person POV

October 3rd 2023

Davey was so excited to go to school that day. She had friends. For the first time she had friends who liked her and friends who seemed like they care for her. She even woke up before her alarm. She has never been a morning person like Sarah has and if she wakes up before for her alarm it either means that she is really nervous or excited for something. This time she was excited. 

She had gotten finished with everything she needed to do then she realized that her sister was sleeping in for the first time. So she decided that she wanted to be annoying and wake up her sister like her sister has done so many times to her. 

Davey walked into Sarah's room and yelled "Wake up Sarah!" Loud enough to wake Sarah up without waking up her parents.

Sarah immediately sat up in her bed. This is also when Davey noticed that she wasn't the only person in that bed.

"Sarah, come into the hallway with me. I need to talk to you in private."

"Is this why you wanted to wake me up?" Sarah asks annoyed.

"No, just wanted to annoy you." 

"You seemed to do that well." Sarah mumbles.

"Why is Kathrine in your bed?" Davey says going straight to the point.

"Kathrine told her dad that she is lesbian and her dad kicked her out of his house and she asked if she could stay here and I may or may not like Kathrine so I said yes."

"Wait, you like Kathrine?!" 

"I said I may or may not. Also leave her alone she is mine. Oh, and she is driving me to school today."

— Time Skip — School —

Davey walks into school and almost immediately sees Jackie talking to Race, Crutchie, and Spot.  Crutchie runs over to Davey and says "Hiya Davey! How are you doing?" 

"I am good. What about you?"

"I am good too." Crutchie says walking back to Jackie with Davey following.

Jackie sees Davey and says "Hi, Davey! Today after school we have a GSA club wanna join? We allow anyone to join whether you are part of the LGBTQ+ community or not."

"Sure." Davey says not showing her excitement that the school has a GSA club.

— Time Skip Again Sorry — GSA Club Meeting —

Davey is so excited for the meeting to start that she was the first to arrive. She was so excited to be around people that were like her. People that were gay. Jackie arrived next and she sat down next to Davey.

"You know Davey this is the first time I was not the first to arrive." Jackie says facing Davey.

"Really?" Davey says not believing this

"Yeah of course! I love going to these meetings so I always arrive first. It seems like that is the same reason you arrived early."

"Yeah it is. At my old school they didn't have a GSA club so this is new and really exciting." Davey says smiling a big smile.

During the time that Jackie and Davey were talking every else arrived. 

"Jackie?" Davey asks.


"What do we do during these meetings?"

"We normally just talk but if we need to talk about something important we talk about that."

Everyone starts talking to someone while Jackie and Davey continue talking to each other.

After the meeting ends Jackie, Crutchie, and Davey walk outside the school and Jackie asks Davey "Do you want to stay at my house for the night?" 

Davey was so happy that Jackie asked her that so she obviously responded with "Yes!"

— Time Skip — Jackie and Crutchie's House —

Once they got Jackie and Crutchie's house Davey and Jackie went to Jackie's bedroom. It was a big bedroom with a bunch of painting and Broadway posters.

"So Davey do you need anything to sleep in? I can give you some of my clothes." 

"You don't need to do that."

"I know but you can't sleep in your clothes. Do you want pajamas or a t-shirt and sweatpants?"

"T-shirt and sweatpants please." 

Jackie goes to her wardrobe and pulls out a white t-shirt and gray sweatpants. She hands her clothes to Davey.

"You can go change in the bathroom." Jackie tells Davey.

Davey nods in response and goes to the bathroom attached to Jackie's bedroom. While Jackie changes in her room. Once Davey come out the bathroom she ask Jackie "Do you want me to sleep on your floor?"

"Nah," Jackie says "my bed is big enough for both of us."

Jackie and Davey lye in the bed both looking up at the ceiling. They both sit is silence until Davey asks "Why do you always were that Newsboy hat?" Pointing at the Newsboy hat on Jackie's nightstand.

"Because I am the leader of our friend group. And our friend group is called The Newsie of New York because like I said yesterday basically run The Newspaper Club."


Not long after that they both fell asleep. Well, until Jackie woke up to Davey's head on her chest. Jackie had this weird feeling that she didn't understand. Then it hit her she liked Davey. She had dated people in the past be she never felt the way she feels now. The way she feels about Davey. She reaches for her phone carful no to wake up Davey and texts Race.

Group Chat Name: Sprace + Jack

JackBeNimbleJackBeQuick: I realized something

TheKingOfBrooklynHimself: Ok? I don't really care also it is 1:05. Why are you texting now?

KingOfNewYork: Yeah I agree with Spot

JackBeNimbleJackBeQuick: Of course you agree with Spot you guys are dating!

KingOfNewYork: True. Also what did you realize at 1:05?

JackBeNimbleJackBeQuick: I like Davey.

KingOfNewYork: HaH! Albert owes me $30!

TheKingOfBrooklynHimself: Same.

JackBeNimbleJackBeQuick: You guys betted on this?!

KingOfNewYork: Yeah. It was soooooooooooooo obvious.

TheKingOfBrooklynHimself: Yeah it was.

JackBeNimbleJackBeQuick: How was it that obvious? We've haven't even known each other for that long.

KingOfNewYork: And yet you still got a crush on her. Also I am going back to bed.

TheKingOfBrooklynHimself: Yeah same I am tired.

Jackie puts her phone down and looks at Davey. She doesn't know what made her do it but she placed a small kiss on Davey's temple. Then she goes back to sleep wondering what it would be like to kiss Davey on her very kissable lips.

1017 Words

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