Chapter 3 | I'm Coming Out!

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Third Person POV

October 11 2023

Today was the day! Davey thought to herself. Today is National Coming Out Day! 

"Davey!" Sarah runs into Davey's room. "Are you going to tell anyone today?"

"Of Course!" Davey says like it was obvious.

"Here," Sarah says pulling something out of her pocket and giving it to Davey "it is a necklace that says Lesbian I got one made for you and me." She holds up her own necklace.

Davey smiles so big then hugs her amazing sister. "Thank you! You are the best sister ever!"

Sarah breaks the hug smiling and says "I know." And dramatically walks away.

Davey puts on the necklace then gets in she car with Sarah. 

On the drive to school Davey listened to a playlist that consisted of a lot of Arctic Monkey and Broadway songs since they made her feel good. Sarah and Davey arrive to school and get out of the car.

Davey sees Jackie waiting for her outside the school. Jackie spots her and they walk into the school together. And somehow Davey forgets the one thing that made her so  excited for the day. It wasn't until Jackie and Davey almost go their separate ways to get to their classrooms that she remembered what she was going to say. "Oh, I almost forgot Happy National Coming Out Day!"

"Oh, yeah! I knew I forgot something today! Happy National Coming Out Day too! Also I don't think I ever told you but I am bisexual!"

Davey looks like she could explode with happiness and she almost shouts "I was going to tell you this at the GSA meeting but screw that I'll tell now! I am lesbian!"

Jackie hugs Davey without even thinking about it and Davey hugs back. But then, of course, the bell rings signaling that they had to get to class so they break the hug but not before Jackie says "Shut up bell! We are having a moment!" This comment made Davey laugh as she walked to her first class of the day.

— Time Skip — GSA Club Meeting —

After the last class of the day Davey ran to Mr. Denton's room for the GSA Club Meeting. She was almost always the first one there like she was today. She sat in the room waiting for other people to arrive. Everyone came soon after even Sarah and Kathrine came but there was 2 people missing. Those to people were Race and Spot. Everyone seemed to know this (except Sarah and Kathrine who didn't know who those people were). Everyone seemed worried so Davey decided to address the elephant in the room "Where is Spot and Race?"

Denton walks into the room and sadly says "They were sent to the principal's office" Davey noticed that Kathrine looked uncomfortable at the mention of principal "and I am here to inform you guys that we are no longer allowed to have the GSA Club."

This makes everyone start shouting things including Davey who was devastated that the one thing she look forward to all week was now no more.

"I am sorry but you all have to go home now." Denton says pointing at the door. 

Davey storms out of the room and is followed by everyone else. And they all go home.

537 Words

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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