1. Cuz I wanna make it

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Y/n stared at the pot of soup as the wind howled outside. The snow fell harshly against her isolated cabin. She frowned as she looked out the tiny window she had
"Hopefully this snow storm stops soon"
She mumbled to herself. She had a habit of talking to herself

She sat down and wrapped herself in a thick blanket. She stared at the warm fire as the warmth nipped at her cold skin.
She started to doze off until she heard a loud banging on her front door. She frowned and quickly stood up. They banged on the door again.
Jeez they need to relax she thought to herself as she pulled the door open.

Snow and cold air flooded her once warm cabin as she stared at the two men in front of her. She grimaced at the cold

She asked sharply. She took a moment to take in their appearance. Both were quite tall but one was a bit fatter and had no hands. The other was skinny and had orange tinted glasses. He had a katana.
The man without hands perked up and smiled warmly

"Me and my master need some shelter. It will just be for one night" he said happily. He had a way of spreading happiness even in a snow storm.

"There's a town a mile or two north of here" Y/n pointed north. Well she tried. The storm didn't let you see a foot in front of you
The skinnier man finally decided to speak

"we'll pay generously" he had a soft and smooth voice. Y/n barely heard it over the sound of the storm.

She tapped her chin before opening her hand. Money was always a plus. She needed the extra money anyways. She watched as the skinny man pulled out a sack full of coins and tossed them at her. She caught them and smiled before ushering them inside

"Please come inside. Make yourself comfortable"
She said as she push the door closed. The soup was ready so she served them each a bowl and sat down. She sat across from them as they ate her soup. It was strangely quiet even with the storm happening outside. It was awkward and uncomfortable. She looked at them hoping they would start a conversation but one was quiet and the other was stuffing his face with food.

She cleared her throat before speaking "so uh why were y'all in that storm?"
Most people were smart enough to stay inside for the storm but maybe they weren't smart enough to understand that.
The cubby man quickly swallowed his food and replied "we didn't know about that storm. We're lucky we saw your cabin." He explained before continuing "so what are you doing here?"

Y/n paused. "Mhmm I live here" she stated as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
The skinny man clarified "he meant why are you alone?"

Wouldn't you like to know. Creep. She thought to herself. Y/n glanced at the orange tinted glasses. She raised an eyebrow "well I like the woods that all"

That was a lie. Even though she was a doctor she was still a foreigner so the people didn't trust her. She would be spat on and kicked around if she ever went into town. Luckily she found an abandoned cabin.

She shook her head before changing the subject "what's your names? I never did get them" she asked softly as she refilled their bowls with soup
The cubby man perked up and answered "oh my name is Ringo and this is my master Mizu"
Ringo said as he pointed at Mizu. Y/n smiled "oh I'm Y/n" she smiled before excusing herself to grab them some blankets.

This wasn't her cabin it was just abandoned and she was just living in it. She hoped the owner didn't come back. Hopefully they died or something idk.

She went to the back and grabbed some thick winter blankets. They were heavy and kinda smelly.
Greattt now she will seem dirty. Her first guests and she wasn't prepared. She frowned. Y/n carried the blankets to the main room and put them on the floor.

A thin layer of sweat covered her forehead. I need to work out she thought to herself before standing up straight and smiling. "Sorry I don't have proper bed but I have blankets."

She said happily as she gave the blankets to Ringo and Mizu. Ringo smiled and thanked her while Mizu nodded a little as a thanks. Both men started to prepare for bed. Ringo got comfortable and said a quick good night before laying down. Mizu on the other hand took a little longer to go to bed

Y/n wanted to talk more. It's been awhile since she's ever spoken to another person so she was excited to have company. Being isolated for so long had its down sides.
"So are you a samurai?"
She asked Mizu hoping to start a conversation before they go to bed.
"I'm no samurai" Mizu replied. It was a short and cold answer. It left Y/n with more questions than answers. "Oh Okayy uh... where are you going after the storm?" Y/n asked politely. She just wanted to connect with someone even if it was like talking to a brick wall. She turned to Ringo who was already asleep.

"We are going to the Shindo Dojo. I have some questions" Mizu said as he got ready for bed. Y/n nodded but didn't say anything. She didn't know what to say. She rubbed her arm awkwardly as Mizu laid down.
Welp it seemed like they wanted to sleep.

She stood up and went to her 'room'. It was more like the other corner of the cabin. Y/n laid down. She took a moment to think. Ringo and Mizu weren't mean to her. They didn't kick her around or steal from her so maybe this was her chance to make friends. Maybe she didn't have to be alone anymore. She's a doctor maybe she could be their personal traveling doctor.

Y/n's eyes got heavy with exhaustion the more she thought about it. She's ask if she could accompany them to the Shindo Dojo tomorrow.

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