6. Please call my name one more time

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"Sure, I can take you there" the man on the boat said, taking a sip of sake.
"Thank you," Mizu said as she begun to step on the boat. The men quickly stopped her. "Woah not now. Tomorrow"

Tomorrow? Why tomorrow?
Y/n raised a brow. "Not too early either" the second man slipped in.

"I must leave now," Mizu replied
Damn what's the rush?

"During the Hadaka Matsuri? Then you'll have to swim" the man joked, laughing before continuing,"everyone is closed today. We have to purify ourselves"

So there is a festival
The men continued to talk to Mizu. Y/n looked around. He was right. It seemed like everyone was just having fun, not really worried about working. Everyone was closed

"Fine. Tomorrow" Mizu said finally. The men nodded and then told them to stay for the festival. Ringo seemed interested, but y/n didn't want to take a dip into the freezing cold water.
I'll pass

They bowed goodbye. They would come back in the morning. Ringo shown a talent for being stealthy.
, he surprised even Mizu.

"There must be something you want to do while you wait. Gambling or we could try their noodles" Ringo spoke to Mizu as she looked at the bells for sale

"Noodles does sound good right now" y/n stated, her mouth watering at the thought of food.

"The Shingi. He said we don't want to miss that" Ringo said excitedly. The part where they swim in the water? Strange

Mizu grabbed a silver bell and quickly paid for it. "Your foot" she pointed down, the bell still in hand. She tied it around his  foot. "You're never to take that off. The moment you do you're discharged from your duties"

Oh, what the flip

Y/n looked away feeling like she was intruding on something. She took a few steps back looking at the many stalls. She could buy a few things but she had no money

She didn't see Mizu and Ringo walk away until she was too late. She overhead Ringo saying he would stay here and Mizu saying she would go train

She followed Mizu. "So, Ringo is staying?" Y/n asked. "Yes" Mizu replied, replies were short and she always sounded annoyed

Y/n sat down on a log. She watched Mizu train, slicing down trees easily. They were like butter under her blade. It was amazing to see but it was terrifying too

Time passed and Mizu decided to take a dip in the cold water. The scaled down the cliff and Mizu slowly made her way into the water.

Her binding is unsafe
Y/n noted. Depending on how long she did the unsafe binding, she could have scars.

How does she fight with that binding? Must be painful

Y/n stayed near the water. It was too cold for her to want to swim in it but she liked the sound of the waves hitting the shore

Mizu left soon after to go meditate. Y/n didn't follow continuing to watch the waves. Maybe she could learn how to fight. What good is a doctor if they're dead?

I'll buy a knife soon. I won't steal again
She looked into her medical bag and glared at the cyanid bottles.
Why did I even steal these?
It's not like she was a spy so she didn't exactly know how to poison someone

This is so stupid
She frowned and looked at the bottles in her hands.
Well we all start somewhere

She pulled out her acupuncture needles. She heard stories of acupuncturist poisoning their patients with the needles. She never thought anything of the stories until now

She dipped the needles into the cyanide and pricked her finger with the poison soaked needle. Blood started to seep out the small poke

I could kill two birds with one stone
Mithraism is the act of slowly poisoning one's self to build up an immunity to the poison

Y/n felt her heart beat speed up. Her head felt heavy and she couldn't take in deep breaths. Fuck
She quickly packed her bag and tried to calm down but her heart beat kept racing

Panic seeped into her bones as a headache started to settle in. Her chest hurt from the lack of oxygen entering her lungs
What a horrible way to die

She laid down on the hard rock, the world felt like it was spinning. Her head was pounding and her vision got blurry
I'm going to die
Tears filled her eyes her arms wrapped around her pounding head

Darkness overtook her vision

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