7. Me and Mr. Heart

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Y/n woke up to throw up. The bile came up and spattered on the rock next to her. Her body was too weak to get up. Her breathing was still quick and labored, head pounding

She laid her head back down to the cool rock, her own throw up next to her head.

The sun was setting and she could faintly hear the drums beating
I didn't die
Y/n curled into herself. I need to get up. I need to clean myself up and looked for Mizu and Ringo

She was glad Mizu didn't find her like this. She didn't want her pathetic attempt of bravery to be the reason Mizu left her behind

She groaned in pain as she pushed herself up. Throw -up had seeped into her hair and settled. She felt disgusting like she had be sick for days

She crawled towards the water, the waves hitting her body. It was painful everything was painful. The cold water woke her up yet it felt like needles prickling her body.

She cupped her hands and poured water onto her head, she wiped her face and cleaned her hair. Her stomach churned like she was going to throw up again. She covered her mouth and started to dry heave.

If there's a god save me

She didn't throw up but she felt worse. She might force herself to throw up to feel better. She started to move away from the water, her kimono was soaked with water and sweat

She forced herself to keep moving. Picking up her medical bag felt like she was picking up heavy stones
She could still hear the sound of drums faintly as she started to move towards where Mizu was training

She kept her head down, too exhausted to looked up and around. She stopped in her tracks when she saw the arms corpse of a man.

Shiver went down her spine

The splat of his body was disgusting. It made y/n want to throw up again. She looked at the blood gushing from his lifeless body. It twitched every once in a while

What the fuck

She slowly looked up and saw Mizu fighting multiple men. I think I'm going insane
She watched Mizu cut a man clean in half and fall off at the cliff. Mizu hit a rock and hit the floor like a rag doll near y/n's feet.

"Mizu," y/n tried to help her up but her own body was still weak from the poison. "What happened?" Y/n asked. Her mouth was dry. Mizu didn't say anything, taking slow deep breaths

"Mizu-" y/n was interrupted by a man that jumped down landing next to them. He was tall and big, and he had large muscles and a mask

Y/n took multiple steps back out of fear. He pulled out his blade the end of which was broken and dull

"You may actually deserve my true blade" he swung it around a few times before pointing it at Mizu. He didn't look at y/n didn't even glance her way as if she were a rock

"That sword is stolen," Mizu announced. She was still trying to catch her breath. Who would steal a broken sword?

The large man laughed, his shoulders shaking. He took off his half- mask and spoke again "still soft." he threw his mask to the ground

Both Mizu and the man got in position to fight. Quickly running towards each other their blades clashed together loudly. Y/n didn't know what to do. She quickly took steps back and pulled off her bag. She grabbed a needle and dipped it into the cyanide.

She looked up when she heard Mizu groan in pain. He had slashed her abdomen, her blood spattered on the rock. She panted as she curled into herself

She clutched her open wound. The man ran towards her, his blade raised above his head ready to strike. Y/n stood up she felt her body wobble but she started to run towards him, cyanide- soaked needle in hand. She flicked her finger and the needle imbedded itself into his neck. She stopped

Blood spattered on her. Y/n could feel the warmth of fresh blood on her face and body. She watched the man's body fall. Mizu's sword thrusted clean through his abdomen.

He coughed up blood and Mizu stood up

"I don't deserve death by impure hands" he stated weakly. Those who kill don't deserve the privilege of choosing how to die

"Goodbye, Bloodsoaked Chiaki" Mizu pulled out her sword from his body.

"Mizu, please let me help you," y/n said weakly. She watched Mizu limp towards a large rock and stop. A man stepped out. He wasn't wearing black so he couldn't have been with Chiaki

He pulled out his blade "I am owned my honor" he stated

Why is Mizu being hunted down?

"Then take it" Mizu took quick shallow breaths. She raised her blade and so did the man. They ran towards each other

Mizu collapsed.
How anticlimactic

The man stopped, a bit surprised Mizu just collapsed. Y/n ran toward them, her body yelled at her to stop, yet she ran. She grabbed Mizu's sword. It was heavy in her hands but she pointed it at the man

"Get back" she yelled at the man

He raised his blade, ready strike

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