5. Kiss me goodnight

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  Y/n woke up to being roughly shaken by Mizu. She lightly slapped her cheek. "Wake up" Mizu said, she sounded like she just woke up herself. Her voice was raspy and deeper. Y/n slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. The camp was already packed up all that was left was y/n. Ringo and Mizu let her sleep while they packed up.

She looked up at Mizu, her own voice hoarse as she spoke. "The sun isn't up yet"

It wasn't a lie, the sun wasn't up yet. It was still dark. Why did they need to leave so early. She thought it was unnecessary.
She laid back down and groaned. "It's too early" she whined as she covered her body with a blanket again. She felt Mizu tear the blanket away from her, the cold air flooding her body

"It's better to travel while it's still dark. Hurry up, you're the only one not ready " Mizu said as she threw the blanket back at her and walked away. Y/n groaned again.

She was annoyed yet she still angrily packed her stuff. She glared at Mizu and Ringo. "I'm ready" she said unamused and so tried. Mizu turned and Ringo happily followed her. How was Ringo so happy even at this hour. The sun wasn't even shining!

Y/n clung to the last bit of sleep she had. She felt herself nodding off but she followed them. She didn't want to fall behind even if she would rather be asleep. She didn't even get to eat breakfast. She turned to Ringo as they walked down a snow-covered road. "Hey, do you have any food with you?" She asked sweetly. Ringo looked down at her a smiled.
"Yes, actually. I made some rice balls while you were asleep." She quickly grabbed the rice ball and took a bite.

It was so good. It was a bit salty but it was still yummy. "Thanks! How long was I asleep?" She didn't think she was asleep for that long. She would've woken up to the racket they made yet she didn't. Ringo looked forward thinking of an answer.
"Mhm, I don't know. It was a long time. We were ready yet you were asleep. Mizu was the one who let you sleep a little longer even after we were done" he replied.

Y/n looked down at her rice ball. Mizu let me sleep in? That's strange.
Mizu seemed like a strict and fast pace person. She seemed like she would be mad if you were late or if you didn't follow her directions. It was a bit weird that Mizu let her sleep in even when they were supposed be leave early. She looked at Mizu who was walking in front of them. The sun was starting to rise and it hit Mizu perfectly.

Y/n had a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach as she walked behind Mizu and Ringo. Ringo was talking about something. She wasn't paying attention and it looked like Mizu wasn't either. Y/n quickly finished her rice ball before picking up her pace to catch up with Mizu and Ringo. She walked next to Mizu and smiled. "How are you feeling?" She was talking about the stitches.

Mizu glanced at her before looking back at the road in front of them. "Good" she replied. It was a short answer. Y/n wanted more information. Was Mizu feeling sick? They were out in the cold for a while.

Wait did Mizu carry me back to bed?

She blushed as she thought about how embarrassing it was to fall asleep on Mizu. She fell asleep on a patient and said patient carried her to bed! She wanted the earth to swallow her whole. She looked at Mizu.
Gods she was so pretty. How could  someone could be so attractive.

"It's rude to stare" Mizu said coldly. She didn't even glance at y/n. Y/n frowned and looked away. It was embarrassing. It was like Mizu wasn't the same person anymore. Mizu wasn't the woman that cuddled with her last night or carried her to bed. Mizu didn't even say anything about what happened last night.
Was it a dream or something?

Y/n would never dream of a woman like that- much less find her attractive. She pouted and kept walking while Ringo rambled about something.

Y/n's legs felt wobbly after a while of walking. It felt like they were walking for ages. She stopped and leaned against a rock. "Guys I can't" she said breathlessly.
Damn maybe I should take my own doctor's advice and workout.
Ringo turned while Mizu kept walking. "The town is just down the hill. Come on" Ringo said sweetly. He really was the best.

Y/n looked down at the town. It was so nice. It wasn't a big city or anything but it was obviously a nice town, fishermen probably lived here. It was by the sea and it had a lot of boats. They walked down the hill and walked into the town.

Walking around the village it wasn't hard to get uneasy. There were no people around. Usually, villages would be full of people walking or talking, but there was nothing.

It was like a ghost town
"Where is everybody" Ringo asked as he looked around. Y/n shrugged her shoulders.
"Hello?!"Ringo yelled out. Y/n felt shivers run down her spine when she heard something run past them.

Lord this is so creepy

She glanced behind her when she heard footsteps again. When she looked forward again there was a drunk man looking at them. He hiccuped. His bottle of sake was held loosely in his hands

"Where did your town go?" Ringo asked the drunk man. The man smirked and ran away. Mizu and Ringo chased after him.

Y/n groaned as she followed them, running through the alleyways. She stopped when she saw people. In the center of the town the villagers were gathered.

There were performers and musicians, people drinking and others fighting. Ringo and y/n gasped in awe

"We aren't here for fun. We're here for a boat" Mizu snapped
Well, she's no fun

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