33. Call of Home

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After bidding Connall farewell, Bellona decided to explore the vibrant streets of Velaris, letting the warmth of the sun complement the enchanting glow of the city. The morning found her strolling along the riverbank, where the gentle currents whispered tales of forgotten dreams and ancient secrets. The city's lively energy embraced her, and she couldn't help but revel in the simple pleasures of the day.

She wandered into eclectic shops, their wares a kaleidoscope of colors and curiosities. The merchants' stories wove through the air as she browsed, each trinket and artifact telling a tale of its own. Velaris, with its bustling markets and hidden corners, offered a welcome respite from the weight of her responsibilities.

As the day unfolded, Bellona's spirit soared, buoyed by the camaraderie of the city. Laughter filled the air as she shared a moment with fellow denizens of the Night Court, forging connections beyond the realm of duty. The vibrant hues of flower stalls and the tantalizing aroma of exotic spices teased her senses, creating a symphony of sensations that echoed the beauty of Velaris.

However, the day took an unexpected turn as she passed a quaint bakery. Memories flooded back – memories of shared laughter and moments of joy.
Bellona's steps faltered as she gazed at the familiar facade. The male who had once been a friend, now consumed by darkness, had vowed to ruin her family. The aroma of freshly baked goods, once a source of comfort, now mingled with the bitter taste of betrayal.

As she peered through the bakery's window, the scenes of camaraderie replayed in her mind – conversations over warm pastries, shared dreams, and the innocence of a time before shadows tainted their connection. A pang of sorrow gripped her heart as she recalled the warmth of his laughter and the genuine moments of friendship they had shared.

Everything was a figment of his web of lies, he had spent years building a believable version of a life that he had never lived. She remembered Lysander telling her that his nan was none other than a elderly fae that he had simply mind controlled to entertain his deception. She couldn't help but laugh to herself, she was so keen someone that she considered a friend in this court, that she didn't even bother to check if they were real.


The velvety night sky stretched above Velaris, adorned with a myriad of stars that seemed to dance to an ethereal melody. Bellona perched on the rooftop, her eyes tracing constellations as if seeking guidance in the shimmering celestial tapestry. The city of starlight unfolded below, a breathtaking panorama of beauty and magic.

The night air whispered with the indecision that swirled within her. The Night Court had offered her solace and growth, yet the tug of loyalty towards her home and the responsibilities she bore as a leader weighed heavily on her heart. The dichotomy of her existence played out beneath the stars.

As she contemplated her options, the thought of returning to the Spring Court tugged at her conscience. The duty to prepare her warriors for an impending threat gnawed at her, and the guilt of withholding crucial information from those she considered her friends intensified. The weight of uncertainty cast a shadow over her resolve, and the prospect of leading them into an unknown battle made her stomach churn.

As she lost herself in the quiet contemplation, the gentle rustle of wings reached her ears. Bellona turned, her gaze meeting the graceful descent of Rhysand. He landed beside her with an effortless grace, his wings folding neatly against her back.

The two fae shared a moment of silence, the air pregnant with unspoken understanding. Velaris glowed beneath them, a testament to the delicate balance between night and starlight that defined the city. Bellona felt a kinship with this place, a connection forged through the trials and triumphs of her training.

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