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little cw for seggs

As Chris awaited Dave's return, he paced back and forth like a nervous dog. What kind of fucking idiot would attempt to kill his boss? Him, apparently. He sat down in a chair in order to hopefully ground himself. A shrill unfamiliar voice in his head rang out, 'You've got to do something to win his favor again. Otherwise, he'll fire you and you'll be hated forever. Do we want that?'

Chris shook his head. "Taylor. Taylor, come out of hiding," he urged, "Need your help to sway Dave." He got up from his current seat, beginning to walk around the house in search of the spirit. "Taylor!" he called desperately. Instantly, the blond ghost appeared in the mirror in front of him.

"Thanks to you, Dave's gonna fire me when he gets back. Now how the hell am I gonna feed my family?" Chris stopped short of his rant when a searing, stabbing pain shot through his back. He clenched his jaw in pain, more annoyed at the pain than concerned about its abrupt appearance.

"With food, duh," Taylor chuckled, waving dismissively. "Jokes aside, you should get in his good graces again,"
"Well, unless you can cook a fucking all-you-can-eat buffet, just do what I used to do."

Chris facepalmed, "What did you do when he got pissed with you?" Taylor suddenly turned beet red and averted his gaze. "T, c'mon, man. My family needs fed," His host begged. Taylor mumbled something incoherent. "What?" the guitarist asked, "Can you repeat that?"

Taylor's eyes squeezed shut as he spun around to face the brunett. "I USED TO LET HIM FUCK ME, OKAY??" he blurted. The windows in the home briefly rattled from the sudden volume. Chris's jaw dropped. "No, have to be kidding, you have to be!"

"Can't make this up. Remember how he mentioned that you should never ever watch that Everlong VHS tape?"
"Yeah, yeah. Why?"
"It's basically a video we recorded ourselves of us doing it."
"Don't tell me you were in costume..."
"Fine then, I won't."

Chris gasped, then started laughing. "You? And him? And you were in a dress?" he wheezed out. "Yes, now can we move on?" Taylor whined. The guitarist laughed even harder, having to catch his breath at one point. "Wow, T. Wow. I haven't laughed that hard in ages," he said, before his face fell to a frown.

"Don't tell me I have to do that,"
"You didn't, but since you made fun of me, you do now. Bitch,"
"Fine then, name your conditions. I'm doing this for you to not also be mad at me and so I can feed my goddamn family."


Meanwhile, at the hospital, pandemonium had broken out amongst the staff. Why? Well, shortly after they'd gotten Dave into a room, he'd regained consciousness and decided he'd do his own healing. Rather, the demon did --- it had no time or desire to be in a hospital bed --- again.

It had taken over shortly after they'd stitched its host up, its black eyes holding nothing but a thirst for revenge. It yanked various IV tubes out of its arms and legs and rose from the bed with very few issues. It had checked that no mortals were around, claimed its things, and decided to run for it.

A nurse had caught sight of it and merely thought that a normal, run-of-the-mill patient was trying to get away. "We've got a runner!" she cried to the other staff. At first, the demon only laughed and kept running. Its laughter stopped, however, when it noticed two large men ---- presumably guards ---- were chasing it.

"FUCK." It swore, trying to pick up the pace. Once it passed the automatic doors (and scared a poor old lady in the process), it ran out to a field across the road and stopped. The men panted, clearly out of breath. "You're coming with us." One of them said, pointing at it.

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