Episode 9

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First, I inserted the game card in my 3DS. Then, I turned my console on. Next, I tapped the icon on the menu. Finally, I am transported on Sesame Island.

Today is a spicy day, I can tell. I am on the island and I see Dopey and sleep deprived weirdo throwing stuff at each other. I check on them, at weirdo's apartment (I edited weirdo's apartment to a crappy themed one because he's crappy).

Weirdo: I'm not a weirdo
(I tapped on the scribble icon)
Weirdo: I had a fight with Dopey! I'm so upset!
(I tap on "Make up!" even though I deeply regret it)
Weirdo: please help me calm down first!
(I feed him his favorite drink: coffee)
Random text: he loved it!
Weirdo: I feel a lot calmer now. I'm going to try and patch things up.
(He goes to Dopey's apartment, and Dopey answered the door)
Weirdo: I'm sorry about what happened.
(Le silence)
Dopey: I'm still not over it.
(And Weirdo gets sad. I hate when my Doorables get sad because it's a pain in the ass to get them happy again.)

Anyway, I just wanted to show you my isles and ocean for shits and giggles. (Fair warning, this is fan made, as is the story itself)

 (Fair warning, this is fan made, as is the story itself)

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Oh about my Doorables?
Imma wait until Dopey seeks forgiveness. I don't like Weirdo, so helping him get over the fight ain't gonna happen. Although I have a feeling you guys are gonna be like, "You should help him! He's the most relatable!" Well, he's not relatable: he's annoying. He is a disgrace to the seven dwarfs. But if he weren't there, who would I pick on? I'm torn, help me pick!

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