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Decades ago, Peter Pan was once the kind you saw on television and heard about in bedtime stories. The kind, sweet and of course, mischievous boy. But one day, a tragedy occurred in Peter's life. That day, he felt something he'd never felt before; heartbreak.

And then days later, he decided something. He decided that love was the worst feeling ever. That falling in love in only makes you weak. That falling in love will only make you suffer heartbreak later when the person you love leaves you.

Because everyone you love will leave you, there was no point in falling in love, no point in dedicating your whole life to that one person who'll just leave you one day. It was just a waste of time; love.

That night he decided that being good was just downright stupid. People will always be rude to you, they will always push you down, they will always take advantage of you no matter how good you are to them.

And so, from that day onwards, Peter became Pan. He went through a transition. From kind, sweet and mischievous, to evil, heartless and sick. From the greatest leader of goodness, to the most sick, twisted pawn of evil.

He forgot almost everything. He forgot how to love, how to feel. He forgot how to comfort others, how to be nice, and how to be open-minded and honest. But a few years later, a prophecy was revealed. It said that:

"Decades later, a human girl will once again visit Neverland. Peter Pan will fall for her. Some time, it may take, but he will fall hopelessly in love with her. She will free him from the chains of evil wrapped around him.

She will be his light, his beacon. She will teach him how to feel once again. She will teach him how to love. She will change his mind. A tattoo of a Phoenix burning in flames on her left wrist, she will have. One that replicates Pan's tattoo. And it shall glow on both their wrists once she's near.

She will make him want to change. She will make him beg on his knees for her help. But the decision to help Pan will lie in her hands and her hands only. If she accepts, then there will be a chance for him at redemption.

But if denies him, then all hope for Peter Pan, and likewise Neverland, will evaporate."

The prophecy was the only sliver of hope the creatures of Neverland held onto. For Pan was their leader, and they were nothing without their leader.

Pan liked being the boss, he liked being the dominant one. And so, that's where the Lost Boys came in. He met Felix, who became his right-hand man. And of course, you couldn't forget Captain Hook. But even he kept off the shores of Neverland.

Because Peter, had now become Pan.

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