Chapter 2

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Neverland at sunrise was no doubt, one of those moments that you'd want to relive again and again and never get tired of. Red, orange with a tinge of golden yellow painted across the horizon like an artist's stroke across a canvas. Raven stood on one of the huge rocks along the shore, soaking in the sunlight. For some strange reason she felt... powerful. Like, electricity was surging through her body in waves.

Raven knew in that moment, that her nature had been transitioned. Though the black swirls (that weren't glowing anymore) on her body were a bit unexplainable, she knew it was related to the transition. Emma told her that much, before rushing her out of there. She wouldn't go to Pan herself, no. She wasn't weak and desperate. Instead, she'd let the 'King' of Neverland find her.

"Who's there?" A voice that melted her insides and boiled her dark blood at the same time boomed.


Peter Pan wasn't one to commit to a woman. No, never. He wouldn't let history repeat himself. And besides, why would he need one, to be by his side. He was Pan, and Pan didn't need anyone. That was Peter, weak and pathetic Peter who'd go around offering a hand to everyone; who'd fall so easily and so hard for a human. He wouldn't let himself become that again. And it was for that very reason he didn't bother meeting her when she arrived in Neverland a day ago. Because he knew she was the one, all cheesy thoughts aside. The strange Phoenix tattoo that magically appeared on his left wrist was proof of that. But right now, as he stood at the shore, his front to her back, he couldn't help but blame Felix for sending him down there.

Felix, his right-hand man and best friend, was the one who wanted Pan to meet Raven the most. Because then it'd mean going back home to his sister. Don't get him wrong, Pan was his best friend, but he'd wanted to go home for so long it was the only thing on his mind. He just wanted for Raven to arrive in Pan's life so that he'd have someone who'd care for him, help him get over the loss of his best friend.

And when she turned around, it was like a dimmed flame erupted in his chest again. She was right in front of the rising sun, making her look a like a goddess, her coal black tresses blowing with the wind. Pan was pretty sure he could hear his heartbeat echoing in his ears. Heartbeat. Heart. No, he didn't have a heart; his heart was dead. 'She will make his dead heart beat again.' And though it wasn't in the good way, his heart was still beating. He wouldn't call it 'love at first sight', but it was a sign that she was the one.

Emotions developed as quick as seasons did in Neverland, so it was no surprise that Pan was already liking this girl more than he should. And he didn't like that in the slightest, no. So, throwing his shoulders back, chin up with his head held high and his new feelings suppressed deep in his chest, he strode towards Raven. Keeping a safe distance of five feet between them, he repeated his question. On hearing it again, he lips curled upwards and she took a step forward.

"Oh, don't act dumb," She chuckles darkly (and, is it bad that he was greatly turned on by the action?). "You know full well who I am, but I'll tell you anyway. The name's Raven, Raven Rodriguez. Pleasure to meet you."

She extends her hand, Pan looking at it suspiciously before shaking it, her touch sending tingles to his hand.

"Your attempts to seduce me won't work, darling. I'm the alpha here. Nothing affects me." He smirks, making her chuckle again.

"Me? Seducing you? That's got to be like, the funniest joke I've ever heard." She laughs, wiping the smirk off his face. "Not everything revolves around you, Pan. Especially now that I'm here. Because if you're alpha, then so am I ."

Pushing past him, she starts making her way to the dense forest.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to meet the League."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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