Chapter 1

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The house of the greatest White Witch stood still, succumbed by darkness with only one dimly lit candle flickering in her daughter's room. Ava held the candle, the barely visible gleam giving her face an enchanted look. She was in her daughter's room, an uneasy feeling in the pits of her stomach as she crouched down to the unconscious girl's bedside. It was a habit of hers to check on her daughter in the middle of the night even though she was eighteen now.

It's then that she notices the girl's wrist dangling from the bed. She tries to put it back in its place when suddenly, an unbearably bright gleam emits from her wrist, forcing Ava to shield her eyes. When it perishes, she grabs her wrist, only to gasp when she saw the black tattoo of a Phoenix burning in flames.

'The tattoo will appear on both their wrists when the time is right.'

Ava knew then, that she would have to let her daughter go. Let her go so that she can find her destiny, for the girl lying unconscious in front of her was destined to save Pan, the monster and likewise, Neverland.


"Good morning, mother!" Raven's velvety voice echoes around the kitchen as she hugs her mother from behind.

The greatest White Witch greets her daughter back and the girl unwraps her hands from her, going to sit at the table.

"Say, mother, have you been up to some new magic? Because I've got this tattoo on my left wrist." Frowning, Raven shows her wrist to her mother who immediately clamps her eyes shut at the sight as if it caused her immense pain. "Mother? Are you alright?"

"Yes, don't worry, dear. As for the tattoo, I'll tell you about that after breakfast. I've got a lot to tell you."


"Honey, do you remember about when I told you about Peter Pan?" Ava's words are carefully, slowly pronounced. When her daughter nods, she continues. "Well, the prophecy said that when the right time arrives, a tattoo would appear on her wrist. A tattoo exactly like yours."

Raven had always been a smart child, regardless of the fact whether her mother was the greatest White Witch or not. She easily put the pieces together, her hand immediately knotting itself in her hair, creases evident on her forehead. She takes a deep breath, and then looks up. Taking her mother's hand in her own, she smiles faintly.

"So, I'm the game changer in this twisted game of fate," She says amused. "Well then. I'll go, mother. I'll go. If that's what it takes to save Neverland, then I'll do it. After all, it is my homeland. And when I do go, mother, he won't know what hit him."

Mother and daughter smile at each other, and Raven is reminded of a memory.

'Mummy, will I ever meet Peter Pan?' The seven year old asks her mother.

'Maybe, but it's far better that you don't.' Ava responds, making the little girl frown. 'You see, Peter Pan's not the same anymore. He's not the one you see in television anymore-' she smiles sadly, '-He's evil, dear, he's changed. He fell in love, that was his first mistake. Never fall in love. It always changes you, mostly in the bad way.'

The little girl nods obediently. 'Yes mummy.'


"But, mother, I've heard that if you truly believe, Pan's shadow will come and whisk you away with him. And I have to meet him at one point, right? So I can just-" The girl is sharply cut off by her mother.

"No. I will not allow you to do this. Going to Neverland that way is much more dangerous. You wouldn't want to end up straight in his clutches, now would you?" And she had a point; she always did. The girl sighs, then says,

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