155 7 28

July 30, 1965 - 9:13 PM

Johnny’s POV

“Why?” I shout at the sky again, slamming my fist into the cold pavement of the lot. Blood spills out of a new gash on my knuckles.

My irritated eyes leak more and more tears as I think of the mess that I’ve created over the past two days. I had a perfect relationship with Ponyboy and the best friendship with Dally, yet I found a way to completely destroy it all. I won’t ever forgive myself for what I’ve done, so there’s no point in hoping that my friends will forgive me. I’m all alone now: no parents, no friends, and no boyfriend.

I claw at my hair, my arms, my face, and anything that I can grab a hold of to relieve this terrible pain in my throbbing heart. Ponyboy doesn’t deserve a monster as a boyfriend, and Dally doesn’t deserve a toxic best friend. All I do is ruin things, no matter how hard I try to keep everything together.


I drop my arms to my sides and jerk around. Ponyboy stumbles over to where I’m sitting. Just a few hours ago, he claimed to never want to see me ever again.

“What are you doing?” his voice wavers in worry.

“Go home, Ponyboy,” I wipe off the bright red blood sticking to my arm on my jacket’s sleeve.

He shakes his head and collapses beside me. “You’re my home, Johnny.”

I’m too shocked to answer him.

“I miss us,” he shivers as he’s only wearing an old tank top. “Why would you do this to me?”

I look at his red cheeks and green eyes as he glares back at me with the most hurtful expression that I’ve ever encountered. My mouth barely quivers open, and I know that if I try to respond, I’ll burst into another fit of tears.

“I thought you loved me, Johnny. I thought you did,” he wails, his hands running down his cheeks in agony.

I bring my uninjured arm up to my mouth to muffle my cries. Ponyboy is shaking his head and waiting for me to explain why I would ever do something so cruel and stupid. He needs to know what happened.

“Dally,” I spit out, “he made me do it. He said he loved me and then-”

“Dally forced you to kiss him,” Ponyboy finishes my terrible sentence for me. His face transforms from sorrowful to stone-cold realization in a matter of seconds.

He jumps up and marches towards Dally’s house before I can say anything else. I tie my jacket around my bleeding wound and hurry after him.


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