143 7 25

July 30, 1965 - 10:02 PM

Ponyboy’s POV

I squeeze Johnny’s uninjured hand as we continue to walk back to the park. Neither of us has said a word ever since we left Dally’s place, and I’m unsure if Johnny’s upset about me lashing out.

We reach the park and I pause at the swing set beside us. I sit down on one of the swings and turn to face Johnny. He lowers himself into the swing beside me and keeps his gaze down at the grass.

“Johnny?” I speak.

He gives me no answer.

“Johnny, talk to me,” I persist.

Tears boil in the corner of his eyes and his body shakes uncomfortably. I know that he must be very tired.

“We need to talk,” I say.

He gets off of the swing and sits on the grass. I go to sit with him and wrap my arms around him in a comforting hug. He sighs and rests his forehead on my shoulder. We stay like that for a little while; arms wrapped around one another’s waists.

"I feel love for you that I don't feel for anyone else," Johnny breathes out.

I can tell by the tone of his voice that this is a truthful statement. My heart stitches itself back together slightly.

I plant a kiss on the top of his head and reply, “I thought that love wasn’t real.”

“But it is real. I would know,” Johnny contradicts, running a hand down my back.

“After everything that happened, it felt as if love was an illusion; something that was designed to hurt people.”

“But that’s not true, Pone,” Johnny urges, tears pooling onto his red cheeks.

I smile and look out at the dark blue stretch of earth around us. “Now I know that my love for you is anything but fake. My love for you is so real that it burns like a fire inside of my heart.”

His eyes illuminate at these words, and I reach my hand up to his face and caress his cheek.

“I loved you, Johnny, even when I thought that love didn’t exist. And I still love you, more than ever before. More than anyone else in the entire universe. More than the sunsets, the stars, and all of my favorite books.”

I’ve left my precious Johnny speechless. I lurch forward and kiss him on the lips.

At this moment, I certainly know what true love is. This feeling deep inside of my chest is love.


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