11) Boy heaven

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We sat down as the teacher started talking about group work. Issac Squeezed my hand to indicate us as a grouop. I squeezed back with a smile that only lasted a second before the teacher said, "I will be choosing your groups

"Issac with Nathan and Brook" She said.

Issac looked at me with a sorry face and held my hand tight

"Zoe with Ella and Josh" She said.

The list kept going for other groups but i zoned out. I frowned i never talked to anyone in the class exept for Issac. As my train of thoughts were still going Issac slowley let go of my hands as i stared at him.. he pouted at me and went to join his brother and brook. I looked around for ella and josh who sat down next to me and started energetiy talking to me.

" Omg, Zoe nice to meet you I'm Ella and thats Josh." Ella said all jumpy.

"Im telling you you're so lucky" She continued

"Why?" I asked

Girl you're literally in boy hevan" She said as if it was obvious. "You've got Cole, do i even need to explain he's just Cole and the cole effect. you got Danny the theatre kid. Alex the smart kid. Nathan the musician. Issac the hot gamer." as she said that I frowned shs noticed and added "Oh didnt mean it like that i know you're dating and i dont like him and im not allowed to date. Anyways Lee the edgy skater. You know you're in boy hevan right?"

"Uhh.. " I said "No.. I only have eyes for Issac anyways."

Anyways whats the deal with cole and whats the Cole effect" I asked

"What?" Said josh making me feel dumb Have you seen the dude his musceles his hair his abs his everything" Hes pulled so many girls even boys."

"But hes not even special" I said

Ella looked so shocked," Girl you are joking right?"

I shook my head

for the rest of the pesson me ella and josh just gossiped and laughed for the whole lesson.

After the lesson Ella said," Hey Zoe, You wanna come to mine afterschool or i can go to yours so we can hangout?"

"Yeah Sure you can come to mine Since you loooove cole so much." I teased

"Thats not fair" Ella complained" Oh can Josh come?"

"Yeah sure" I said "See you all at 4:00 at mine?"

"Ella bet you cant wait to see Cole" Josh laughed

Someone put their arms around my neck form behind and Isaacs soft voice came," Whats that about Cole?"

I spun around and pecked him on the lips," Hey handsome" I said happily

"Missed you" He whispered in my ear

I giggled and smiled up at him as i introduced him" Guys this is Issac my boyfriend, Issac thats Ella and Josh."

Issac put his hand out at Ella and said," Hey Josh nice to meet you" while laughing.

I punched him in the arm playfully as he laughed. "See you guys then" I screamed as issac picked me up and spun me around.

Ella laughed as Josh screamed "Bye bye love birds".

The love of my life - Isaac GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now