Soldering Love

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Distance, they say, can't sever
Hearts tethered by a love untethered.
I scoffed, sceptical of such a notion,
Yet, meeting you shifted my devotion.

Before us, distance loomed vast,
But your presence dissolved doubts cast.
In your embrace, disbelief withdrew,
My scepticism shattered anew.

Intertwined like threads in an endless quilt,
These memories, within me, steadfastly built.
Insanely fused, they refuse to flee,
Etched deep, a scorching permanency.

Yet fate, in its whimsical play,
Nudges us apart, guides us away.
Perhaps it's a farewell, a final sigh,
Or just a transient 'bye', a soft goodbye.

But as the sun sets, casting its tranquil hue,
Under the stars, amidst the sky's vast blue,
I acknowledge now, with a heart's soft cry,
An insane love for another, drawing nigh.

The soldier, pen resting, took leave,
Joined comrades, duty to retrieve.
In silent hope, his heart aglow,
That her mere mention, she'd somehow know.


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