Shock and Awe

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Seokjin let out a sigh as he prepared to start his birthday live stream, fully aware that the next morning he would have to undergo a mandatory physical examination, which included having his soulmate identifying mark added to the South Korean's Soulmate Registry program, before being able to be sent off to a training center. Which will quickly follow with shaving off all his hair and having to say goodbye to his soulmates, with only short visits allowed to keep them comfortable within the bond. As he makes sure he has everything he needs to sit and hang out with Army, he nods to the staff members in the room with him that they can start the live broadcast.

He spent a significant amount of time with Army, relishing the experience of interacting with them and appreciating their heartfelt well-wishes amidst the occasional humorous message, and the always haunting 'Yoongi marry me' messages as they scrolled across the screen quickly. Despite the constant reminders about his impending departure, he made a conscious effort not to sigh or show any visible annoyance. As the livestream comes to an end, he starts to tidy up what's left of the karate-chopped llama cake, making sure to thoroughly wash his hands, knowing full well there are probably already edits of just how chaotic he'd cut his own birthday cake that would bring happiness and laughter to Army while he was gone.

The following morning, he wakes up in his shared bedroom in the dorm. He was feeling a bit nervous, knowing that today was the day he was going to have to be the first member to register their soul mark within the soulmate registry department as it was now completely unavoidable. Everyone that enlisted had to have their soulmate mark registered with the South Korean Soulmate Registry. Since Jimin joined, and the months before their debut, BigHit had made sure to keep the fact that they were a soul-group of seven hidden from the industry as well as any fans the boys would make in the coming days. They wanted to guard them from delusional fans that might attempt to forge a soulmark connection.

Seokjin slides out of bed and over to his closet, finally starting to get ready for the day. He can hear movement throughout the dorm as everyones up, getting coffee or breakfast and are getting ready to go themselves. They'd wanted to come with him, as well as their main manager, just to ensure everything went smoothly during his appointment with the physician.

As they loaded into the separate vans, the maknae line made their own choice to accompany Seokjin in his van, hoping to uplift his spirits and to hopefully prevent him from overthinking. Eventually arriving at the underground parking garage at the governmental building holding the Soulmark Registry Department. Taking their time as they walk over to the elevator and start to ascend up to the medical floor of the building where Seokjin was scheduled for his physical examination.

"It'll be alright hyung, you'll see." Hoseok says quietly, sliding up to Jin's side and slinging an arm around his shoulder comfortably, wanting to comfort him. Fully knowing once their mark is uploaded, it'll only be a matter of time before the world finds out that they're a soulmate group.

"I'm just nervous to register our mark, we've kept it to ourselves for so long... I don't want Army to be upset that we didn't tell them." Seokjin replies, looking over at Namjoon as he closes the door behind him to the private room they'd been ushered into.

"They've speculated that we've been a soul-group for years now Jin-hyung, I'm just worried that we'll have people trying to lie that they are soulmates." Jimin chimes in, his teeth scraping along his bottom lip as he nervously bites at it.

"But here's the thing, you can't counterfeit a soulmark anymore. Soul Specialists have developed methods to authenticate their legitimacy. They possess the means to verify if the markings are genuine or not. In fact, there has been a database of soulmarks since 2017." Namjoon shares, assuring the concerns of his soulmates with his knowledge.

After Namjoon finishes speaking, there's a gentle knock on the door, followed by its slow opening. A man enters that the boys assume is the doctor, followed by a woman. He introduces himself then presents Dr. Moon, the Soul Specialist accompanying him for the physical examination being done today. The boys reciprocate by introducing themselves to both doctors, confirming that they are indeed a soulmate group.

"Hello, I am Dr. Lee," he says with a warm smile, gesturing to the woman as he continues on, "Dr. Moon is the Soul Specialist assigned to Yeoncheom's Army Base. Do you have any questions gentlemen? Or would you be comfortable proceeding with the documentation process for your soulmark?" Dr. Lee's gaze sweeps over the seven men seated before him and their manager, eager to assist them with whatever they needed.

Seokjin nods as he makes his way over to the medical table. He slowly untucked his shirt and reveals the mark on the back of his left shoulder, its intricate design curving down and along his side before ending at the base of his ribs. The mark itself consists of a beautiful array of flowers, each representing the birth flower of each member. The gorgeous mark proudly shows off the Tiger Lily for Jungkook, the Carolina Allspice representing Taehyung, Jimin's beautiful Spirea, Namjoon's deep purple Clematis trailing up the side of the mark like it's a trellis, Hoseok's pale yellow Buttercups brightening up the marking, Yoongi's Larches curling around the sides with Seokjin's own orange Rumex.

Dr. Moon approaches him and begins to capture photos of the mark, unable to contain her admiration for the beautiful marking. "It's truly stunning," she comments as she sets her camera down on the counter. "You can put your shirt back on now, I've managed to get the images I needed. I assume all of you share this exact same marking?" Her curiosity was piqued, especially because her daughter was a dedicated member of their fanbase and recognized the significance of the birth flowers.

Namjoon directs his attention towards the doctor and affirms, "Yes we do. We were well aware that the soulmark database wasn't yet established when we had met and debuted. We understood that documenting our soulmarks would be required when we underwent our military conscriptions. That's why we decided to wait until then to have our marks officially registered with the government."

She acknowledges his words with a nod, deftly removing the memory card from the computer and opening up Seokjin's medical file. With graceful expertise, she uploads the capture of the marking into his file, and subsequently into the database with a quick click of the accept button. "You're in luck," she assures him. "Access to the database is strictly limited to individuals bound by non-disclosure agreements, ensuring that any information pertaining to the soulmarks of anyone, whether you're a celebrity or not, are strictly confidential."

Dr. Moon turns around as she waits for the database to finish loading, and when it does she notices that there's a ping to another person with the mark just uploaded. She looks over the file quickly, before turning around and looking over the group of boys, "Oh that's odd, you said none of you have put your marks into the database yet right?" she asks as a follow up question, wanting to know if they'd known or not about the 8th person. Her eyes meeting Namjoon's as he nods his affirmation, the maknaes' completely zoned out chatting quietly about cute edits that they saw Army had made on Instagram earlier that morning.

"Well, I don't know how to break this to you, but it seems like your group is larger than you realized. There is an eighth soulmate out there, and her soulmark as been registered with us since 2017. She applied for a work visa to teach English and goes by the name Amelia. Internationally she is 28 years old and still resides in Seoul as a teacher. That's to the extent of what I'm legally allowed to disclose. However, if you wish to learn more, I can send in an inquiry on your behalf, and she can decide whether she wants to respond or not. It seems she has been waiting for her potential partner for a long time now." She explains, her gaze shifting around the room as she watches the weight of her words start to sink in.

A silence descended upon the room, so quiet that you could have heard a pin drop. Jungkook's face mirrored his surprise, showing his 'jungshook' expression. Namjoon and Yoongi exchange a glance so deep, silently communicating as they try to comprehend the idea of having an eighth soulmate and how it explains their feeling of something being missing or the constant shiver of loneliness they've all felt at one point.

"YAAA!!" Seokjin exclaims, looking over at the doctor with a shocked look on his face before he starts speaking so quickly it's like he's rapping. "What do you mean 8th soulmate? They've waited how long? Are you sure? Maybe it's wrong, can you double check?" He spits out, his eyes wide as loudness erupts around him as everyone starts talking over one another as their manager pulls out his phone and steps out of the room, most likely making a call to Bang PD to update him on the news not realizing the chaos he'd left behind.

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